Page 98 - Annual Report 2021
P. 98

Overview  Leadership  Message  Business Segment   Moving Forward  Our Resources  Working for a   Corporate   Financial
                                     Review         Plan                      Better Tomorrow  Governance  statements

          nOTES TO THE FInanCIaL STaTEmEnTS

          17.  FixED DEPOsits WitH licEnsED BanKs
             The fixed deposits with licensed banks of the Group and of the Company at the end of the reporting period bore
             effective interest rates ranging from 1.40% to 1.80% (2020 - 1.40% to 1.85%) per annum and Nil (2020 - 1.50% to
             2.90%) per annum respectively. The  fixed deposits have maturity periods ranging from 7 to 90 (2020 - 7 to 90) days
             for the Group and the Company.

          18. sHarE caPital
                                                                       the group/the company
                                                        2021             2020          2021           2020
                                                           number Of shares             rM              rM

             issued and Fully Paid-up
             Ordinary Shares
             At 1 January/31 December                39,860,002      39,860,002     39,860,002     39,860,002

             The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as and when declared by the Company, and are entitled
             to one vote  per ordinary shares at meetings of the Company. The ordi- nary shares have no par value.

          19.  DEFErrED tax liaBilitiEs
                                                             the group
                                                        2021           2020
                                                          rM             rM

             At 1 January                             1,015,431      644,260
             Recognised in profit or loss (Note 24)      (410,097)     371,171
                                                      605,334        1,015,431

             The deferred tax liabilities are attributable to the following:-

                                                             the group
                                                        2021           2020
                                                         rM              rM
             Deferred Tax Liabilities
             Plant and equipment                      605,334        1,015,431

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