P. 15

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                   AA017008                   URBAN ECONOMICS
                   3 Credits

                   Course Learning           At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                              (1) Examine  the  existence  and  growth  of  urban  areas
                                                  using economic theories.
                                              (2) Analyze  the  spatial  structure  of  cities  using  location
                                                  choice theory.
                                              (3) Specify the social issues related to urbanization using
                                                  appropriate economic theories.
                                              (4) Evaluate urban public policies.

                   Synopsis of Course         This  course  discusses  the  theories  and  evidence  on
                   Contents                   emergence of cities and spatial agglomeration. It looks at the
                                              role of cities in aggregate economy and explore the impacts
                                              of  spatial  agglomeration  on  workers’  productivity  and
                                              income. Theory and evidence of internal structure of cities is
                                              also explained. This course also looks into the nature and
                                              causes of urban distress as well as appropriate policies to
                                              address them.

                   Assessment Weightage  Continuous Assessment: 50%
                                              Final Examination: 50%

                   Medium of Instruction      English

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