P. 18

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                   AA017011                   ECONOMIC POLICY ISSUES
                   3 Credits

                   Course Learning            At the end of the course, the students are able to:
                                              (1) Relate  economic  theory  and  innovative  statistical
                                                  techniques  to  judge  effectiveness  and  outcomes  of
                                              (2) Design better judgement about choice of the data and
                                                  theory that should matter in individual policy examples.
                                              (3) Develop  well-argued  written  analyses  of  the  issues
                                                  studied,  with  a  balanced  mix  of  theory  and  empirical

                   Synopsis of Course         This  course  focuses  on  contemporary  policy  issues,  with
                   Contents                   real-world policy examples drawn from Malaysia and other
                                              major economies. The main goal is to let students explore
                                              how economic theory and evidence is used to analyse real-
                                              world  policy  issues.  The  topics  are  taken  from  the
                                              conventional policy areas, such as labour market regulation,
                                              training provisions, welfare, education and economic growth.
                                              New and unconventional issues, that receive little attention
                                              in  textbooks,  will  be  also  covered,  for  example  political
                                              economy  of  economic  policy  making.  This  course  also
                                              includes two policy debate sessions will be moderated by
                                              officials from the relevant government departments.

                   Assessment Weightage  Continuous Assessment: 50%
                                              Examination: 50%

                   Medium of Instruction      English

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