P. 20

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                   AA017013                   FINANCIAL ECONOMICS
                   3 Credits

                   Course Learning            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                              (1) Distinguish  the  principles  underlying  the  pricing  of
                                                 major financial assets.
                                              (2) Evaluate  existing  asset  pricing  models  and  their
                                              (3) Interpret  economic  issues  associated  with  financial

                   Synopsis of Course         Financial  economics  provides  the  economic  principles
                   Contents                   governing  financial  markets.  Hence,  the  first  part  of  the
                                              course covers various aspects crucial to the functioning of
                                              key  financial  markets  (equity  markets,  fixed-income
                                              markets and derivatives markets), such as the instruments,
                                              trading  mechanisms  and  valuation  models.  Given  the
                                              remarkable growth in the field of financial economics, the
                                              second part of the course discusses some major and recent
                                              topics,  which  include  asset  pricing,  efficient  markets
                                              hypothesis,  behavioural  finance,  financial  development,
                                              financial  globalization,  financial  technology,  financial
                                              bubbles and crashes, and sustainable finance.

                   Assessment Weightage  Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                              Final Examination: 40%

                   Medium of Instruction      English

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