P. 17

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                   AA017010                   BEHAVIOURAL ECONOMICS
                   3 Credits

                   Course Learning            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                             (1) Examine the evidence for systematic departures from
                                                  the  neoclassical  economic  model  that  is  based  on
                                                  rationality assumption.
                                             (2) Demonstrate  understanding  of  the  main  theories  in
                                                  Behavioural Economics.
                                             (3) Evaluate  the  findings  of  empirical  studies  on
                                                  behavioural models.
                                             (4) Derive  policy  implications  based  on  behavioural

                   Synopsis of Course         This  course  provides  an  introduction  to  the  foundation  of
                   Contents                   behavioural economics. The focus is on understanding the
                                              principles  behind  the  behavioural  approach  in  addressing
                                              various economic problems. It commence by reviewing the
                                              standard  assumptions  made  in  economics  and  examine
                                              evidence on how human behaviour systematically departs
                                              from these assumptions. It then explore alternative models
                                              of  human  decision  making  and  assess  the  extent  these
                                              models help improve economic analyses.

                   Assessment Weightage  Continuous Assessment: 50%
                                              Final Examination: 50%

                   Medium of Instruction      English

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