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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►
Synopsis of Course This course emphasises on the Malaysian economy issues.
Contents Topics that will be covered include Macroeconomic
Management, Planning and Fiscal Policy, Business –
Government Relations, Public Sector and Privatization,
Industrial Policy, International Trade & Investment, Money,
Banking & Finance, Environment and Natural Resources,
and Agricultural Sector Development.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 100%
Main Reference (1) Asher, M.G. 1989. Fiscal System and Practices in
Malaysia. In Fiscal Systems in ASEAN, ISEAS,
(2) Bowie, Alasdair. 1994. Malaysia Chapter. In Andrew
Macintyre, (ed.) Business and Government in
Industrializing Asia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
(3) Malaysia. 1985. Economic Planning Unit: Guidelines
on Privatization. Jabatan Percetakan Negara, Kuala
(4) Jomo K.S. (ed.). 1993. Industrializing Malaysia:
Performance, Problems, Prospects, London:
(5) Das, Bhagirath, L. The Current Negotiations in the
WTO: Options, Opportunities and Risks for the Abdul
Rahman and DasAbdul Rahman and DasDeveloping
Countries, Penang, Malaysia: Third World Network.
(6) Abdul Rahman Embong (ed.). 2004. Globalisation,
Culture and Inequalities, Bangi: Penerbit Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia.
(7) Hossay, Patrick. 2006. Unsustainable: A Primer for
Global Environment and Social Justice, London: Zed
(8) Bank Negara. Annual Reports.
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Relate the financial markets components the theory of
banking and the theory of portfolio choice
(2) Analyze the risk and term structure of interest rates
(3) Appraise the conduct of monetary policy.
Synopsis of Course The areas to be discuss include Financial markets – the
Contents foreign exchange market, the money, markets and the
capital market, Theories of banking and its regulation,
Portfolio choice, Risk and term structure of interest rates,
Risk management of financial institutions, Monetary
authorities and the conduct of monetary policies.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 70%
Final Examination: 30%