Page 25 - index
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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►

Main Reference (1) Scotss, R.H., Money, Financial Markets and the
Economy, Prentice-Hall, 1995.
(2) Thomas, L.B., Money, Banking and Financial Markets,
McGraw-Hill, 1997.
(3) Kindwell, D.S., R.K. Peterson & D.W Blackwell,
Financial Institutions, Markets and Money, The Dryden
Press, 6 edition, 1997.
(4) Bank Negara Malaysia, Money and Banking in
Malaysia, 35 Anniversary editions, 1994.

Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students are able to:

(1) Analyze crucial economic issues related to the
economic development of developing countries based
on relevant economic theories.
(2) Apply economics methodology for economic policy
(3) Evaluate the implication of public policy trough
economic analysis.
Synopsis of Course This course is designed to explore the uses of economic
Contents analysis for public policy purposes. It seeks to provide
students with the ability to make economic analysis in policy
formulation? What aspects of the economics methodology
allows it to make that contribution? Acquire a good
understanding of the central methodological issues
economic analysis in public policy.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 100%

Main Reference (1) Chang, H-J & Nolan, P., The Transformation of the
Communist Economies, Macmillan, 1995.
(2) Gardner, S.H., Comparative Economic Systems, 2
Edition. Dryden Press, 1998.
(3) Hasegawa, H. and Hook, G.D., Japanese Business
Management: Restructuring for
(4) Low Growth and Globalization, London: Routledge,
(5) Jomo K.S. et al., Southeast Asia’s Misunderstood
Miracle: Industrial Policy and
(6) Economic Development in Thailand, Malaysia and
Indonesia, Boulde: Westview, 1997.
(7) Molle, W., The Economics of European Intergration,
Ashgate, 1997.
(8) Nougthan, B., Growing out of the plan: Chinese
Economic Reform 1978-1993,
(9) Cambridge University Press, 1996.
(10) Nolan, P., China’s Rise, Russia’s Fall, Macmillan,
(11) Tsuru, S., Japanese Capitalism, Cambridge
University Press, 1993.
(12) Wade, R., Governing the Market: Economic Theory
and the Government in East Asian
(13) Industrialization, Princeton University Press, 1990.
(14) World Bank, The East Asian Miracle, Oxford
University Press, 1993.

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