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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

the research questions, and drawing appropriate
Assessment Methods The Research Paper is examined by the Supervisor(s) and
an appointed Examiner. The marks given by the
Supervisor(s) and Examiner carry equal weight. Total mark
is 100%.


Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students are able to:

(1) Explain the concepts and meaning of economic growth
and economic development;
(2) Analyse the major theories of economic development;
(3) Compare the structure and characteristics of
developing countries; and
(4) Evaluate the main policy issues related to problems of
economic development and planning in developing
Synopsis of Course Principal topics of the course include the concept and
Contents meaning of economic growth and economic development,
major theories of economic development, structure and
characteristics of developing countries and main policy
issues related to problems of economic development and
planning in developing countries such as population growth
and development, poverty and income distribution,
agricultural development, industrialisation, balance of
payment issues, the Asian Economic Miracle and the Asian
financial crisis and remedies.

Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%

Main Reference (1) Yujiro Hayami, (1997) Development Economics, From
the Poverty to the Wealth of Nations, Oxford University
Press: New York.
(2) Michael .P. Todaro & Stephen C. Smith, Economic
Development.9 edition Pearson Addision-Wesley,
(3) Dominick Salvatore & Edward Dowling, Theory and
Problems of Development Economics,Schaums
outline series in Economic,McGraw-Hill book Co,
(4) Dwight H, Perkins, Steven Radelet & David
L.Lindauer, Economics of Development.6 editon,
2006,Norton & Company Inc.
(5) Greg Buckman, Global Trade,Past Mistakes,future
choices,Fernwood Publishing Ltd.Halifax,Nova
Scotia,Zed Books,London &New York, 2005.
(6) Eui-Gak Hwang, The Korean Economies, A
Comparison of North and South,Clarendon Press
(7) Jomo K.S. 1993 Industrialising Malaysia: Policy,
Performance, Prospects, Rouledge.

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