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P. 77
◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Analyze current development issues and problems;
(2) Compare the development experiences of other
countries; and
(3) Formulate strategies to solve development-related
Synopsis of Course This course will start with a review of development
Contents concepts, definitions and theories. Following this is an
analysis of development models, processes and
mechanisms. There will be a review of the paradigm shifts
in the field of development studies. Finally there is a
discussion on the development challenges and needs for
new approaches in the context of globalization and
changing roles of the government, private and non-
government agencies.
Assessment Continuous Assessment: 60%
Final Examination: 40%
Main Reference (1) Todaro and Smith (2006). Economic Development (9th
ed.), Essex: Pearson, Addison Wesley.
(2) Jomo KS and Ben Fine (2006). The New
Development Economics After the Washington
Consensus, London: Zed Books.
(3) Dowling and Valenzuela (2004). Economic
Development in Asia, Singapore: Thomson Learning.
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Investigate the inter-relationship between globalization
and development;
(2) Analyze the impacts of globalization on development
policies on techniques and theories; and
(3) Synthesize the globalization concepts with development
Synopsis of Course This course will lead students to understand the concept of
Contents globalization and its inter-relationship with the development
of world economies (particularly the less-developed
countries – LDCs). Students will be exposed to the impacts
of globalization on economic theories and techniques. The
course content will also include theoretical issues and policy
implications on comparative country experiences (trade and
industrial reforms, export performance, economic growth
and industrialization), foreign public and private capital
flows, international trade and development system,
multinational corporations, foreign direct investment,
structural adjustments, trade and technology, international
competitiveness, multilateral trading, systems strategies and
trade policy of international organizations (WTO).