Page 79 - index
P. 79
◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Debate on definitions of poverty and distribution
(2) Relate development issues pertaining to poverty and
(3) Review policies and strategies for addressing poverty
and distribution.
Synopsis of Course The course discusses the conceptual dimensions of
Contents poverty and its definition.. This is followed by analysis of
the various measures of poverty and methods of
identifying poverty groups. Various poverty issues such as
rural and urban poverty, poverty among indigenous
people, women and children, the elderly and the disabled
are also addressed in this course. Links between
environment and poverty are identified in the course. The
experiences of various countries will be used to study
strategic issues and policy options for poverty reduction.
Issues pertaining to distribution in particular income
distribution will also be discussed.
Assessment Continuous Assessment: 70%
Final Examination: 30%
Main Reference (1) Sachs Jeffrey D., Common Wealth Economics for a
Crowded Planet Allen Lane 2008.
(2) Sachs Jeffrey D. The End of Poverty New York
Penguin Press 2005.
(3) Rein, M. (1974), "Problems in the Definition and
Measurement of Poverty”, in P. Townsend (ed.),
(4) Shankaran Nambiar Reassessing Poverty in Malaysia
Wisdom House 2007.
(5) Concepts, Difinitions and the Measurement of Poverty
in Malaysia: Issues for Concern Sulochana Nair.
(6) Zainal Aznam Yusof (1986), "Concept, Profile and
Incidence of Poverty", Paper presented at First
National Conference on Poverty, January 6th-7th,
Kuala Lumpur.
(7) Yayasan Strategik Sosial (2005). Urban Poor and Low
Income Families. Kuala Lumpur. Yayasan Strategik
(8) Askwith, M., Lipton M. & Maxwell S. (1994), “The New
Poverty Agenda: An Overview", Institute of
Development Studies DP306, August.
(9) Sulochana Nair (2004). Poverty Eradication in
Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur. International Institute of
Public Policy and Management (INPUMA).
(10) Sulochana Nair (2002). Poverty and Income
Distribution: Some Perspectives from Malaysia.
Paper Presented at the New Zealand-Malaysia
Symposium on The State, Economic Development
and Ethnic Co-Existence. Kuala Lumpur. University of
(11) Anand, S. ( l975), The Size Distribution of Income in
Malaysia, mimeograph, Development Research