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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►

Center, IBRD.
(12) Shireen Marziah Hashim Income Inequality and
Poverty in Malaysia Rowman and Littlefield United
States of America 1998.


Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:

(1) Explain the relationship between sustainable
development and the environment;
(2) Analyse how the relationship between sustainable
development and environmental management is
affected by economic, social and political Institutions
(3) Demonstrate the importance of economics for
understanding environmental problem providing
solution to the problems; and
(4) Propose solution to environmental management
policies and programmes.

Course Synopsis The course begins with an overview of global issues of the
interaction between sustainable development and
economics, social and the environment. It will focus on the
principles and practices of economic development as
viewed from the perspective of sustainability. In this
context, the interdependence between development and
environmental management and conservation will be
explored. It will then proceed to examine the common
underlying causes of environmental degradation, including
market and policy failures. Understanding of various
environmental issues will lay the foundation for
understanding the policy approach to environmental
management and conservation. Efficient and cost-effective
controls for a variety of pollutants will then be defined and
compared with those achieved by the market forces.
Various policy instruments to be discussed include
emission standards, emission charges and transferable
emission permits. The traditional “command-and-control”
approach to pollution control will also be highlighted. The
final section is devoted to discussions on the Cost-Benefit
Analysis (CBA) and Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) as choice of instruments for evaluating
environmental policies.

Assessment Continuous Assessment: 70%
Final Examination: 30%

Main Reference (1) Baumol, Williams and Wallace Oates (1988), The
Theory of Environmental Policy, 2nd ed, Cambridge,
University Press, New York.
(2) Pearce, D.W. and R. K. Turner (1990), Economics of
Natural Resources and The Environment, Harvest
Wheatsheath Publisher, Hertfordshire, U.K.
(3) Tietenberg, T (1992), Environmental, and Natural
Resources Economics, 3rd ed, Harper Collins

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