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P. 82
â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) explain the concept of institutions, industrial
development and the growth theories
(2) identify how institutions explain industrial development
and growth
(3) compare the issues of institutional, industrial
development and growth in different countries
(4) apply relevant case studies in understanding the
complex relationship between institution, industrial
development and economic growth
Synopsis of Course This course is designed to expose students to the
Contents concepts of institution, industrial development and
economic growth. The emphasis is on the role of
institutional and industrial development on economic
growth. The course will expose students to the complex
relationship between the institutions, industrial
development and economic growth by means of a
combination of various relevant literatures that resides
within the domain of institutional economics, industrial
policy and growth theories.
Assessment Continuous Assessment: 60% Final Examination: 40%
Main Reference (1) Acemoglu D. & Robinson J. (2012) The Origins of
Power, Prosperity and Poverty: Why Nations Fail,
Crown Publisher, New York.
(2) Rasiah, R., Thiruchelvam K., Lee K. (2012) Innovation
and Learning: Experience of the Rapidly Developing
East Asia, Routledge, New York.
(3) Rodrik, Dani (2007) Institutions for High-Quality
Growth in One Economics Many Recipes:
Globalization, Institutions and Economic Growth,
Princeton: Princeton University Press
(4) North, Douglass C. (1990) Institutions, Institutional
Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
(5) Nelson R.R. (2005) Technology, Institutions, and
EconomicGrowth, Harvard University Press
(6) Jomo K.S. (2001) Southeast Asia's Industrialization:
Industrial Policy, Capabilities and Sustainability,
Palgrave Macmillan