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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

                                                               COURSE PRO FORMA


                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                              (1) Demonstrate  familiarity  with  concepts  and  theoretical
                                                  perspectives in research methods;
                                              (2) Apply research methods in Public Administration;
                                              (3) Demonstrate  competence  in  information  management;
                                              (4) Compare past research practices.
                 Synopsis of Course           The  course  equips  students  with  the  required  knowledge
                 Contents                     and  skills  to  conduct  research  focussing  on  the  public
                                              sector.  Attention  is  given  to  areas  such  as  the  research
                                              process,      variables,    design,      conceptualisation,
                                              operationalisation and measurement, reliability and validity,
                                              methods of collecting data, sampling, ethics and statistical

                                              The  course  also  guides  students  to  prepare  a  research
                                              proposal  and  acquire  statistical  skills,  such  as  Statistical
                                              Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

                 Assessment Methods           Continuous Assessment :100%
                 Main Reference               (1) Sekaran,  Uma  and  Bougie,  Roger  (2013),  Research
                                                  Methods  for  Business:  A  Skill  Building  Approach,  6th
                                                  ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons.
                                              (2) Babbie,  E.  (2007),  The  Practice  of  Social  Research,
                                                  11th ed. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Co.
                                              (3) Saunders et al. (2007), Research Methods for Business
                                                  Students, 4th ed., Harlow: Prentice Hall.
                                              (4) Neuman,  W.  Lawrence  (2014),  Social  Research
                                                  Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 7th
                                                  ed., Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
                                            EQB7002 RESEARCH PROJECT
                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                               (1)  Determine a suitable topic for problem, objective and
                                                   background of research;
                                               (2)  Integrate  information  from  the  relevant  literature  and
                                                   design a research framework;
                                               (3)  Apply  the  right  methodology  in  collecting  required
                                               (4)  Analyze the information/ data collected; and
                                               (5)  Producing written research reports.
                 Synopsis of Course           The  course  is  designed  to  train  students  in  conducting
                 Contents                     research  in  public  administration  and  writing  a  research
                                              paper. Students are guided by at least one supervisor from
                                              the development of a research project to the completion of
                                              the  research  report.  The  stages  include  identification  of
                                              issues,  establish  problem  statement,  research  questions,
                                              designing a study, literature review (analysis, synthesis and
                                              critic of empirical research and theory), data collection, data
                                              analysis,  analysis  of  the  findings  to  answer  the  research
                                              questions, and drawing appropriate conclusions.
                 Assessment Methods           100% Research Project

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