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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►

                 Main Reference               (1) Paynes E. J. ( 2013). Human resource Management  for
                                                  Public  and  Non  Profit  Organization:  A  strategic
                                                  Approach. John Wiley & Sons.
                                              (2) Mottochio  ,  J.J.  (  2012).  Research  in  Personnel  and
                                                  Human Resource . Emerald Publishing Group.
                                              (3) Gomez-Meija,  et  al,  (2007).  Managing  Human
                                                  Resource. NewJersey: Pearson Education
                                              (4) Randall  S.Schuler  “Managing  Human  Resource”
                                                  Cincinnati, Ohio, 9th  ed, 2006.
                                              (5) Bohlander,  Snell  and  Sherman,:  Managing  Human
                                                  Resource, South –Western College Publishing, 14th ed,
                                              (6) Mondy  &  Noe  (2005).  Human  Resource  Management.
                                                  New Jersey: Pearson Education Ltd.

                                          EQB7009 QUALITY MANAGEMENT
                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                              (1)  Examine  the  concepts  and  philosophy  of  Quality,
                                                  Quality Management and Total Quality Management;
                                              (2)  Appraise models, approaches and techniques of quality
                                                  management; and
                                              (3)  Interpret  other  aspects  of  quality  management  and
                                                  achievements in organizations.

                 Synopsis of Course           This course will explore and analyze theories, approaches,
                 Contents                     and concepts of quality (goods and services), probe quality
                                              management  practices,  examine  quality  planning,  control
                                              and  measurement tools.    It  will  also  identify  and  evaluate
                                              quality  management  issues  and  problems.  The  emphasis
                                              will be on service quality and management.

                 Assessment Methods           Continuous Assessment : 60%
                                              Final Exam: 40 %

                 Main Reference               (1) David  L.  Goetsch,  Stanley  Davis  (2015).  Quality
                                                  Management       for    Organizational     Excellence:
                                                  Introduction to Total Quality. Prentice Hall
                                              (2) Dale  H.  Besterfield,  et.  al.  (2011).Total  Quality
                                                  Management. Pearson Education India.
                                              (3) Oakland, john S. (1994) Total Quality Management, 2nd
                                                  ed. Oxford:Butterworth
                                              (4) Clement,  Richard  Barret,  (1993).  Quality  Manager’s
                                                  Complete  Guide  to  ISO  9000.  Englewood  Clift,  New
                                                  Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
                                              (5) Sud  and  Nima  Ingle,  (1983),  Quality  Circles  in  the
                                                  Service  Industries,  Englewood  Clift,  New  Jersey:
                                              (6) Nemoto,  Masao,  (1987),  Total  Quality  Control  for
                                                  Management,  Englewood  Clift,  New  Jersey:  Prentice

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