Page 44 - PROSPECTUS FEA IT 17-18
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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş
related to problems of urban development including
environmental degradation, uncontrolled urban growth,
insecure land tenure, substandard housing conditions,
unsustainable transportation, urban poverty, and
inadequate decision making and local planning systems.
Majority of these issues will be discussed within the context
of sustainable development.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment : 50%
Final Exam: 50 %
Main Reference (1) Sorensen, A. Okata, J. (ed.) (2010). Megacities
[electronic resource]: Urban Form, Governance, and
Sustainability. Springerlink.
(2) Hall, P. (1992). Urban and regional planning (3rd ed.).
London: Routledge
(3) Mulley, C. (ed.) (2012). Urban form and transport
accessibility. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
(4) Van Bueren, E. Van Bohemen, H., Itard, L. & Visscher,
H. (ed.) (2012). Sustainable Urban Environments
[electronic resource]: An Ecosystem Approach.
(5) Contal, M.H. & Revedin, J. (2009). Sustainable design:
towards a new ethic in architecture and town planning.
Boston, MA: Birkhaeuser.
(6) So, Frank S. (2000). The Practice of Local Government
Planning, International City/County Management
Associate, California
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Determine the role of social welfare and social services
and discuss the role of the evolution of both social
policies in the management of societies;
(2) Appraise the inter-relationship between theoretical
approaches to development of social policies in
overcoming social problems ;and
(3) Formulate social policy planning and development in
relation to different social, economic and political
Synopsis of Course This course explores contributions that CSO can make to
Contents constructive social change. The course will cover: the
concept of civil society and the roles that civil society actors
have been playing in development and democratization
initiatives; CSO relations with other organizations, such as
governments, businesses and other CSOs; and the impacts
of globalization on civil society and CSO roles in
transnational governance.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment : 60%
Final Exam: 40 %
Main Reference (1) Jillian, A.J. , Pastzor,E.M., Chambers,R.M. ( 2014)
Social Policy and Social Change: Towards creation of
social and economic justice. John Wiley & Sons.
(2) Cahpin. R. (2014)Social Policy for Effective Practice : A