Page 43 - PROSPECTUS FEA IT 17-18
P. 43
◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Examine the Malaysian political system;
(2) Analyze events and topics on contemporary Malaysian
politics and economic development; and
(3) Assess issues concerning development of nations.
Synopsis of Course The first part of the course provides an overview of
Contents Malaysian political system and process. It also discusses
major political developments which have taken place over
the past years until present. Selected issues and topics
such as political parties, general elections, the middle class,
democracy and foreign policy will be discussed in the
second part of the course.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment : 50%
Final Exam: 50 %
Main Reference (1) Andaya, Barbara and Leonard, 2001, A History of
Malaysia, 2nd ed. Hampshire: Palgrave.
(2) Crouch, Harold, 1996, Government & Society in
Malaysia, St. Leonards, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin.
(3) Noor, Farish A, 2003, Islam Embedded: The Historical
Development of Pan–Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS)
1951-2003, Malaysian Sociological Research Institute
MSRI, Kuala Lumpur.
(4) Ooi, Kee Beng, 2006, Era of Transition: Malaysia after
Mahathir, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian
(5) Puthucheary, Mavis and Norani Othman, eds., 2005,
Elections and Democracy in Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia:
Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
(6) Welsh, Bridget and Chin, James U.H, eds., 2013,
Awakening: The Abdullah Badawi Years in Malaysia,
SIRD: Petaling Jaya.
(7) Yusoff, Anis Y. ed., 2011, Shamsul A.B.: His
Observations, Analyses and Thoughts, Institute of
Ethnics Studies (KITA), Universiti Kebangsaan
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Identify strategic issues in urban management;
(2) Examine policies, strategies and programmes in
planning and management of the urban centre; and
(3) Integrate the values and ethics of professional practice
in addressing the issues and challenges of managing
urban growth.
Synopsis of Course The course deals with issues and challenges confronting
Contents many countries in the planning and management of their
urban centre, cities and the environment. It emphasises the
need for inter-sectorial and interdisciplinary competence in
the field of urban management. The issues addressed are