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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

                                                  strengths Approach. Pearsons
                                              (3) Titmuss,  R.  M.  (2007).  Social  Policy:  An  Introduction.
                                                  London: Geoge Allen & Unwin Ltd
                                              (4) Dobelstein,  A.W.  (2003).  Social  Welfare:  Policy  and
                                                  Analysis. Singapore: Thomson Learning.
                                              (5) Spicker,  P  (1995).  Social  Policy:  Themes  and
                                                  Approaches: Harlow, England: Prentice Hall  Limited.

                               EQB7013 PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT
                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                              (1)  Identify  issues  and  strategies    in  planning  and
                                                  community development;
                                              (2)  Relate  the  concept  of  planning  and  community
                                                  development  to  social,  economic,  and  political  forces
                                                  that shape the environment; and
                                              (3)  Translate the values and ethics of professional practice
                                                  in decision making process.
                 Synopsis of Course           This course is designed to meet the needs of students who
                 Contents                     wish to develop a broad based understanding of planning
                                              and  community  development.    It  will  focus  on  the  nature
                                              and purpose of planning and community development, the
                                              role of different stakeholders in the planning and community
                                              development  process  and  the  governance  context  within
                                              which different types of planning operate.  The course will
                                              use  interdisciplinary  knowledge  and  techniques  in
                                              addressing  environmental  and  social  issues  of concern  to
                                              the  community.    Within  this  context,  it  will  explore  issues
                                              facing  planners  and  managers  in  delivering  services  and
                                              fulfilling community needs.  These needs will be discussed
                                              within the framework of sustainable development agenda.
                 Assessment Methods           Continuous Assessment : 50%
                                              Final Exam: 50%

                 Main Reference               (1) Robinson, J. W and Green, G.P. 2011. Introduction to
                                                  Community  Development:  Theory,  Practice,  and
                                                  Service-Learning, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks
                                              (2) Green,  Gary  P.  and  Haines,  Anna  L.  2011.  Asset
                                                  Building  &  Community  Development  (3rd  Ed.)  SAGE
                                                  Publications, Thousand Oaks.
                                              (3) Devas,  N.,  Amis,  P,  et  al.  2006.  Urban  Governance,
                                                  Voice, and Poverty in the Developing World, Earthscan,
                                              (4) Hall,  P.G.  1988.  Cities  of  tomorrow  :  an  intellectual
                                                  history  of  urban  planning  and  design  in  the  twentieth
                                                  century, Blackwell
                                              (5) So, Frank S. 2000. The Practice of Local Government
                                                  Planning,   International   City/County   Management
                                                  Associate, California
                                              (6) Levy,  John  M.,  2011.  Contemporary  Urban  Planning,

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