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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

                                                  Bureaucracy, K.L Pearson Prentice Hall.
                                              (3) Shafritz,  J.M  and  Ott,  J.S  (2001)  Classics  of
                                                  Organization Theory, 5 ., Florida: Harcourt Brace & Co.
                                              (4) Daft, R.L (2001) Essentials of Organization Theory and
                                                  Design  2   Edition,  Ohio  US;  South  Western  College
                                              (5) Denhardt, R (2000) Theories of Public Organisation, 3
                                                  Ed. Orlando: Harcourt Brace & Co.
                                              (6) Gortner,  H.F;  Mahler,  J  and    Nicholson,  J.B  (1997)
                                                  Organization Theory: A Public Perspective, Florida US:
                                                  Harcourt Brace.
                                              (7) Flynn, N. (1990) Public Sector Management, New York:
                                                  Harvester Wheatsheaf.

                                         EQB7005 PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students will be able to:

                                              (1) Apply  the  theories  involving  the  developmental  state
                                                 and neoliberalism;
                                              (2) Identify  governance  and  policy  planning  methods  and
                                                 implementation  of  key  policies  in  East  Asia  and
                                                 Malaysia; and
                                              (3) Apply  theories  different  governance  forms  and
                                                 developmental policies in East Asia.

                 Synopsis of Course           This course is concerned with the structure of governance
                 Contents                     and its impact on development, with a focus on how policies
                                              evolve and are implemented. It is organized in three parts:
                                              first, an introduction to relevant theories of the state and a
                                              comparison of developmental models. Second, an analysis
                                              of  policy  planning  and  implementation  in  East  Asia  and
                                              Malaysia, with a focus on the latter. Third, case studies of
                                              major  policies  and  assessment  of  their  impact  on  socio-
                                              economic development.

                 Assessment Methods           Continuous Assessment : 55%
                                              Final Exam: 45 %

                 Main Reference               (1) Gomez, E.T. and J. Saravanamuttu (eds). (2013). The
                                                  New  Economic  Policy  in  Malaysia:  Affirmative  Action,
                                                  Horizontal  Inequalities  and  Social  Justice.  Singapore:
                                                  National University of Singapore Press.
                                              (2)  Tarling,  N.  and  E.T.  Gomez  (eds).  (2008).  The  State,
                                                  Development,  and  Identity  in  Multi-Ethnic  Societies:
                                                  Ethnicity, Equity and the Nation, London: Routledge
                                              (3)  David  Harvey.  2005.  A  Brief  History  of  Neoliberalism.
                                                  Oxford: Oxford University Press.
                                              (4)  Woo-Cumings,  M.  (1999).  The  Developmental  State.
                                                  Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
                                              (5)  Artikel-artikel dalam jurnal antarabangsa

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