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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

                                                   describing quality characteristics;
                                               (3)  Evaluate  statistical  results  in  solving  quality  related
                                                   problem; and
                                               (4)  Communicate findings effectively
                 Synopsis of Course           This  course  exposes  students  to  basic  concepts  of  quality
                 Contents                     and  the  roles  of  statistical  methods  in  understanding  and
                                              managing  quality  of  processes  and  products.  Statistical
                                              software  is  utilized  in  understanding  process  and  product
                                              quality characteristics. The topics covered include Statistical
                                              Thinking in Quality Improvement, Statistical Process Control,
                                              Multivariate Methods for Quality Improvement, Principles of
                                              Six Sigma.
                 Assessment                   Continuous Assessment:  60%
                                              Final Examination: 40%
                 Main Reference               (1) Montgomery,  D.C.  (2012),  Introduction  to  Statistical
                                                 Quality Control. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 7  Edition.
                                              (2) Evans, J. R., & Lindsay, W. M. (2010). The Management
                                                 and  Control  of  Quality:  South-Western  Cengage
                                                 Learning. 8  Ed.
                                              (3) Ryan,  T.  P.  (2011).  Statistical  Methods  for  Quality
                                                 Improvement John Wiley & Sons Inc. 3  Edition.
                                              (4) Yang,  K.,  &  Trewn,  J.  (2004).  Multivariate  Statistical
                                                 Methods in Quality Management. New York: McGraw Hill.

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