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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

                 Assessment                   Continuous Assessment: 50%
                                              Final Examination: 50%
                 Main Reference               (1) United  Nations,    Household  Sample  Surveys  in
                                                  Developing  and  Transition  Countries,  Series  F,  No.  96,
                                                  Department of  Economics  and Social Affairs, Statistics
                                                  Division, UN, New York, 2005.
                                              (2) Earl  Babbie,  The  Practice  of  Social  Research,  12
                                                  edition, Wadsworth/Thompson Learning, 2010.
                                              (3) W.  Lawrence  Neuman,  Social  Research  Methods,  4
                                                  edition, Allyn and Bacon, 2000.
                                              (4) Zikmund, W.G., Business Research Methods, 6  edition,
                                                  The Dryden Press, 2004.
                                              (5) Scheaffer, R.L., Mendenhall, W. and Ott, L., Elementary
                                                  Survey Sampling,  5   edition, Duxbury Press, 2007.
                                              (6) Tryfos,  P.,  Sampling  Methods  for  Applied  Research,
                                                  John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1996.
                                              (7) US  Bureau  of  the  Census.  2006.  Training  Manual  on
                                                  Sample Design for Surveys (uploaded in Spectrum)
                                              (8) United  Nations.  2005.  Designing  Household  Survey
                                                  Samples: Practical Guidelines (uploaded in Spectrum

                                   EQC 7012 MARKETING RESEARCH TECHNIQUES

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                              (1)  Explain the importance of marketing research;
                                              (2)  Apply  the  appropriate  techniques  to  solve  problems
                                                   related to marketing
                                              (3)  Evaluate  the  research  results  for  decision  making  in
                                                   marketing; and
                                              (4)  Communicate the findings effectively.

                 Synopsis of Course           This  course  is  designed  to  provide  students  with  an
                 Contents                     understanding of the role of marketing research in business
                                              organizations and to acquaint them with the methods used to
                                              generate knowledge about marketing products and services.
                                              This course covers primary data collection methods such as
                                              focus  groups,  surveys  and  experiments.  Students  will  also
                                              learn both the associative (multiple regression and analysis
                                              of variance) and advanced associative statistical techniques
                                              (factor  analysis  and  clustering  methods;  multidimensional
                                              scaling and conjoint analysis) from a practical perspective.

                 Assessment                   Continuous Assessment:  60%
                                              Final Examination: 40%

                 Main References :            (1)  Malhotra,  N.  2010,  Marketing  Research:  An  Applied
                                                  Orientation,  6  Edition, Prentice Hall.
                                              (2)  Zikmund, W.G. & Babin, B.J. 2010, Exploring Marketing
                                                  Research, South-Western College Publication.
                                              (3)  Churchill,  G.A.  &  Iacobucci  ,  D.  2010,  Marketing
                                                  Research  Methodological  Foundations  (with  Infotrac),
                                                  10th Edition, South-Western College Publication.

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