Page 56 - PROSPECTUS FEA IT 17-18
P. 56
â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Describe graphically and quantitatively the patterns in
time series data;
(2) Develop forecasting models that incorporate correlated
error structures;
(3) Compare the forecasting performance of the different
models developed for a given set of data; and
(4) Explain the results arising from the application of time
series analysis in various fields.
Synopsis of Course This course exposes students to the study of time series
Contents data. It focuses on the use of statistical models (such as
classical decomposition, exponential smoothing, least
squares, ARIMA) for forecasting. Students learn to assess
and select an appropriate model from among different
possible models for a given set of data. The use of statistical
software to analyse data ensures that the students learn the
nuances of modelling correlated error structures.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%
Main Reference (1) Deibold F.X., Elements of Forecasting, 4 Edition,
South-Western, Thomson Learning, 2007.
(2) Shumway, Robert H, David S. Stoffer. Time Series
Analysis and Its Applications. With R Examples. Third
Edition. New York: Springer, 2011.
(3) Hyndman, R. J. & Athanasopoulos, G. Forecasting:
principles and practice., 2013.
(4) Makridakis, S., S.C. Wheelwright and Hyndman.
Methods & Applications, New York: Wiley, 1998.
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Describe developmental issues in computer hardware,
software, and data resource management technologies;
(2) Identify business problems and opportunities that can
benefit from the application of information technology;
(3) Demonstrate the use of programming language in
solving business-related problems;
(4) Analyse case studies using computer applications.
Synopsis of Course The course covers the role of information systems in helping
Contents businesses compete using technology. A brief introduction to
information technologies, computer hardware, computer
software, and data resource management is provided. The
role of information technology and computers in business
and society are emphasized. At the end of the course,
student is able to use computer-technology as a tool for
productivity, communications, research, problem solving,
and decision making in solving various business related
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%