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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

                                                               COURSE PRO FORMA

                                         EQC 7001 QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS
                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                              (1)  Demonstrate  a  sound  understanding  of  the  research
                                                  process and research methodology;
                                              (2)  Collect  primary  data  using  appropriate  data  collection
                                                  and sampling methods;
                                              (3)  Analyze  primary  and  secondary  data  and  draw
                                                  conclusion; and
                                              (4)  Demonstrate    skills   in   effective   writing   and
                 Synopsis of Course           This  course  covers  major  issues  connected  with  the
                 Contents                     research process in various fields. The course is designed to
                                              equip students with a sound understanding of theory building
                                              and  the  research  process,  with  emphasis  on  quantitative
                                              applications  of  research  methods.  Students  will  learn  the
                                              techniques  of  sampling,  data  collection  and  analysis  for
                                              report writing. The course will also train students on critical
                                              analysis  of  published  research  and  equip  them  with
                                              communication skills.

                 Assessment Methods           Continuous Assessment: 50%
                                              Final Examination: 50%

                 Main Reference               (1)  Earl  Babbie,  The  Practice  of  Social  Research,  12
                                                  edition, Wadsworth/Thompson Learning, 2010.
                                              (2)  W.  Lawrence  Neuman,  Social  Research  Methods,  4
                                                  edition, Allyn and Bacon, 2000.
                                              (3)  Zikmund,  W.G.,  Business  Research  Methods,  6
                                                  edition, The Dryden Press, 2004.
                                              (4)  Scheaffer, R.L., Mendenhall, W. and Ott, L., Elementary
                                                  Survey Sampling,  5   edition, Duxbury Press, 2007.
                                              (5)  Tryfos,  P.,  Sampling  Methods  for  Applied  Research,
                                                  John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1996.
                                              (6)  US  Bureau  of  the  Census.  2006.  Training  Manual  on
                                                  Sample Design for Surveys (uploaded in Spectrum).
                                              (7)  United  Nations,  Household  Sample  Surveys  in
                                                  Developing and Transition Countries, Series F, No. 96,
                                                  Department of  Economics  and Social Affairs, Statistics
                                                  Division, UN, New York, 2005
                                            EQC 7002 RESEARCH PROJECT

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                              (1)  Identify a research question;
                                              (2)  Integrate information from the relevant literature;
                                              (3)  Design a research framework;
                                              (4)  Analyze the information/data collected using statistical
                                                    techniques and appropriate software;
                                              (5)  Determine the significance and implications of research
                                              (6)  Adopt ethical practices in the conduct of research; and
                                              (7)  Write a research report.
                 Synopsis of Course           The  course  is  designed  to  train  students  in  conducting  a
                 Contents                     research in statistics and writing a statistical research paper.
                                              Students  are  guided  by  at  least  one  supervisor  from  the

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