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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

                 Main Reference               (1)  Hair, J.F, Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L. & Black, W.C.
                                                   (1995):       Multivariate data Analysis with Readings, 4
                                                   Edt., Prentice   Hall
                                              (2)  Hair,  Black,  Babin,  Anderson,  Tatham  (2009):
                                                   Multivariate data Analysis, 7  Edt., Prentice  Hall
                                              (3)  Klienbaum, D.G., Kupper, L.L. and Muller, K.E. (1988):
                                                   Applied      Regression  Analysis  and  Other  Multivariate
                                                   Methods. Boston: PWS-Kent.
                                              (4)  Berenson,  M.L,  Levine,  D.M  and  Szabat  K.A.:  (2014):
                                                   International Edition Basic Business Statistics, Concepts
                                                   & Applications,13  Edt., Prentice Hall
                                          EQC 7005 APPLIED ECONOMETRICS

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                              (1)  Apply  regression  analysis  for  quantifying  economic
                                              (2)  Construct models in a manner suitable for econometric
                                              (3)  Appraise the adequacy of regression models estimated
                                                   using econometric software;
                                              (4)  Draw  valid  conclusions  from  the  results  of  estimation
                                                   and hypothesis-testing;
                                              (5)  Present the output of econometric analysis effectively.
                 Synopsis of Course           The course is designed to equip students with econometric
                 Contents                     tools  of  analysis  for  research  work.  Computer  software  is
                                              used  for  the  purposes  of  estimation,  prediction  and  basic
                                              modelling.  Single-equation  models  in  the  classical  context
                                              are  given  emphasis.  Diagnostic  tests  and  problems  of
                                              estimation    (multicollinearity,   heteroscedasticity   and
                                              autocorrelation)  are  discussed.  Extensions  to  single-
                                              equation models covered include qualitative choice models,
                                              dummy  variables  and  autoregressive  and  distributed  lag
                                              model.    Introduction  to  simultaneous-equation  models  is

                 Assessment Methods           Continuous Assessment:  50%
                                              Final Examination:  50%

                 Main Reference               (1)  D. Gujarati and D.C. Porter, Basic Econometrics, 5  ed.,
                                                  McGraw-Hill, 2009.
                                              (2)  J.  Wooldridge,  Introductory  Econometrics,  5th  ed.,
                                                  Thomson. 2013.
                                              (3)  D. Gujarati, Essential of Econometrics, 4  ed., McGraw-
                                                  Hill, 2009.
                                              (4)  D.  Asteriou  and  S.G.  Hall,  Applied  Econometrics,  2
                                                  ed., Palgrave , 2011
                                              (5)  W.H.  Greene,  Econometric  Analysis,  7   ed.,  Prentice
                                                  Hall, 2011.

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