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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

                                                   Edition, 2000.
                                              (7)  Pagano  M  and  Gauvreau  K.,  Principles  of  Statistics.
                                                   Duxbury, 2  Edition, 2000.
                                              (8)  Venables  W.  N.  and  Ripley  B.  D.,  Modern  Applied
                                                   Statistics with S. Springer-Verlag New York, 4  Edition,
                                           EQC 7010 ACTUARIAL STATISTICS
                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of this course, the students are able to:

                                              (1) Identify  the  fundamental  of  actuarial  statistics  with  its
                                                  standard notation;
                                              (2) Apply actuarial statistical techniques in solving relevance
                                              (3) Evaluate  findings  in  suggesting  the  best  option  for
                                                  specific actuarial problems.
                 Synopsis of Course           This course exposes students to basic concepts of actuarial
                 Contents                     statistics  and  its  application.  The  topics  covered  include
                                              fundamental  of  theory  of  interest  and  survival  distributions.
                                              The application of these concept would be the main focus of
                                              the course.
                 Assessment                   Continuous Assessment : 50%
                                              Final Examination           : 50%

                 Main Reference               (1) Bowers, N.L., Gerber, H.U., Hickman, J.C., Jones, D.A.,
                                                  and  Nesbitt,  C.J.    (1997).  Actuarial  Mathematics.    (2
                                                  ed.). Society of Actuaries.
                                              (2) Kellison,  S.G.    (2008).  Theory  of  Interest.    (3   ed.).
                                                  McGraw- Hill / Irwin.
                                              (3) Stuart       A.       Klugman  (Author), Harry       H.
                                                  Panjer (Author), Gordon E. Willmot. (2013). Loss Models:
                                                  From Data to Decisions. (4th ed.)Wiley.
                             EQC 7011 APPLICATIONS OF DEMOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                              (1)  Explain  the  importance  and  basic  concepts  of
                                              (2)  Analyse     demographic      and     population-related
                                                   socioeconomic indicators;
                                              (3)  Apply demographic techniques in different fields;
                                              (4)  Explain  the  inter-relationships  between  population
                                                   dynamics     and     socioeconomic     and    business
                                                   development; and
                 Synopsis of Course           The  course  is  designed  to  introduce  students  to  the
                 Contents                     importance  of  population  studies,  basic  concepts  of
                                              demography,  sources  of  population  data,  demographic
                                              trends  and  structures  of  the  world  and  Malaysia,  factors
                                              affecting  population  changes  and  population  policies  and
                                              The  course  focuses  on  demographic  techniques  including
                                              computation  and  interpretation  of  various  demographic
                                              measures,  standardization  and  decomposition,  Lexis
                                              diagram,  life  table  application  and  population  projections.
                                              The  application  of  demographic  data  and  techniques  in
                                              various  sectors,  such  as  employment,  education,  housing,
                                              business,  politics  and  planning  for  basic  amenities  will  be

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