Page 178 - handbook 20152016
P. 178

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

                                                                Medium of Instruction:
                                  MEDICINE                      Soft Skills:
                                                                CS3, CT2, TS1, LL2
               Principles  of  complementary  alternative  medicine;  the
               diversity  of  complementary  alternative  medicine  and   Main References:
               therapies;  the  roles  of  alternative  medicine  in  modern   1.  Groff, JL and Gropper, S. (2000). Advanced Nutrition
               society;  mind  body  medicine;  naturopathic  medicine;   and  Human  Metabolisme  (3rd  Ed).    Wadsworth
               environmental  medicine;  diet  and  health;  detoxification   Thomson Learning.
               therapies.                                       2.  Gibney, MJ. (2002).  Introduction to Human Nutrition.
                                                                   Blackwell Science, Oxford.
               Assessment Methods:                              3.  Gropper,  S  (2000).  The  Biochemistry  of  Human
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                        Nutrition: A Desk Reference(2nd Ed).  Brooks Cole
               Final Examination:    60%                        4.  Barasi,  ME  (2003).    Human  Nutrition:  A  Health
                                                                   Perspective (2nd Ed).  Arnold, London.
               Medium of Instruction:                           5.  Mann, J. (2002)    Essentials of Human Nutrition (2nd
               English                                             Ed).  Oxford University Press, Oxford.

               Soft Skills:
               CS1, CT3, LL2                                    SIK 2018    HUMAN BIOLOGY

               Main References:                                 Human  uniqueness.  Human  in  contrast  to  other  apes:
               1.  Daniels, C. (1998). Healing Secrets. Bookman Press   human  bipedalism.  Principles  of  human  biology,  cellular
                  Pty Ltd, Melbourne.                           biology,  genetic,  structure  and  body  functions,  diseases
               2.  Polunin,  M.  &  Robbins,  C.  (1999).  The  Natural   and current issues; human behaviour, human populations
                  Pharmacy. Greenwich Edition, London.          and its interaction with the environment.
               3.  The  Burton  Goldberg  Group.  (1997).  Alternative
                  Medicine  The  Definitive  Guide.  Future  Medicine   Assessment Methods:
                  Publishing Inc. Tiburon, California.          Continuous Assessment:   50%
               4.  Woodham,  A.  &  Peters,  D.  (2000).  Encyclopedia  of   Final Examination:    50%
                  Natural Healing. Dorling Kindersley Limited, London.
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
                                                                Soft Skills:
               The course covers the properties of protein structures and    CS5, CT3, TS2, LL2
               their  classification.  It  describes  in  detail  protein
               classification   and   its   functions.   Introduction   to   Main References:
               bioinformatics as tool to protein analysis.It also covers the   1.  Human  Biology:  concepts  and  current  issues.  2013.
               life cycle of proteins in the cell.                 Johnson  MD.  Benjamin  Cummings  Pub.  San
               Assessment Methods:                              2.  Human   Biology.   2014.   Starr   CB.   McMillan
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                         Brooks/Cole Pub. USA
               Final Examination:    60%                        3.  Human biology. 2014. Sylvia Mader. McGraw-Hill.

               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          SIK 3001    RESEARCH PROJECT IN BIOHEALTH
               Soft Skills:
               CS2, CT3, TS1, LL2                               Candidate will conduct research in any field and topic that
                                                                is  connected  with  any  aspects  of  Biohealth  Sciences
               Main References:                                 under  the  supervision  of  one  or  two  lecturers.    The
               1.  Introduction  to  Protein  Structure.  Carl  Branden  and   research  project  will  be  conducted  over  a  period  of  2
                  John Tooze.Garland   Publishing Inc.          consecutive  semesters.    At  the  end  of  the  second
               2.  Anatomy and Toxonomy of Protein Structure. Jane. S.   semester the candidate must complete a thesis which will
                  Richardson. 1981.Adv. Prot. Chem. 34: 167-339   be submitted for assessment as well as present research
                                                                findings in a seminar or as poster.

               SIK 2017    NUTRITION SCIENCE                    Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:        100%
               This course encompasses energy; dietary guidelines; food   Consisting of;
               guide  pyramid;  food  safety;    physiology  of  the   Thesis                70%
               gastrointestinal  system  –  simple  anatomy,  digestion,   Poster/Seminar presentation   30%
               absorption  and  excretion;  characteristics,  function,
               digestion,  metabolism,  toxicity,  deficiencies  of  major   Medium of Instruction:
               nutrients  –  carbohydrate,  lipid,  protein,  water-soluble   English or Bahasa Melayu
               vitamins,  fat-soluble  vitamins,  minerals;  assessment  of
               nutrient status.                                 Soft Skills:
                                                                CS3, CT6, LL2
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     Main References:
               Final Examination:    60%                        Depending  on  the  research  topics  carried  out  by  the

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