Page 179 - handbook 20152016
P. 179

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

                                                                Main References:
               SIK 3002    INDUSTRIAL TRAINING IN BIOHEALTH     1.  Brook &  Marshall. (2001). Essential Endocrinology
                                  SCIENCE                          4th Edition, Blackwell Science Limited Publishing.
                                                                2.  Devlin, T.M. (1997). Texbook of Biochemistry with
               Students  will  be  placed  at  government  hospitals,  other   chinical correlations. Wiley Press.
               relevant government or private agencies of their choice or   3.  Guyton, A.C. (1971) Human Physiology and
               which  have  accepted  them.  Students  will  be  exposed  to   mechanisms of disease. 5th Edition, Saunders.
               everyday  working  activities  as  instructed  by  their   4.  Levy, Andrew.(1997). Endocrinology, Oxford Press.
               supervisors at the place of work. At the end of the training,
               each student and employer must each submit a report of
               the  training  and  of  the  student’s  performance  during  the   SIK 3005    PHARMACOLOGY
               duration of the training.
                                                                The  course  introduces  drugs,  the  basic  principles  of
               Assessment Methods:                              pharmacology,  interaction  of  drugs  with  receptors  and  to
               Continuous Assessment:        100%               provide  student  sufficient skill  to be  able  to  evaluate  the
               Consisting of;                                   effect  of  drugs  on  human  physiology  especially  in
               Industrial supervisor report   20%               treatment of diseases.
               University superviso report   20%
               Student report               60%                 Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Medium of Instruction:                           Final Examination:    60%
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Soft Skills:                                     English
               CS2, CT3, TS3, LL2, KK1, EM2
                                                                Soft Skills:
               Main References:                                 CS2, CT2, EM2
               As  prescribed  by  the  employer  and/or  Industrial Training
               Coordinator.                                     Main References:
                                                                1.  Rang, H. P.(2003),  Pharmacology (5th Ed). Churchill
                                                                   Livingstone, Edinburgh.
               SIK 3003   ADVANCED RESEARCH SKILLS IN           2.  Page, C. (2002), Integrated Pharmacology (2nd Ed).
                                 BIOHEALTH SCIENCE                 Mosby, Edinburgh.
                                                                3.  Leilani, GH. (2000), Understanding Pharmacology: A
               Techniques taught include pharmacology, phytochemistry,   Physiologic Approach. Appleton & Lang.
               enzymology,  embryology.  Other  techniques  include   4.  Brenner, G. M. (2000),  Pharmacology. Saunders,
               protein  precipitation,  genomic  cloning,  stem  cell  and   Philadelphia.
               molecular toxicology.                            5.  Rosenfield, G. C. (1998),  Pharmacology (3rd Ed).
                                                                   William & Wilkins.
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   100%
                                                                SIK 3006    NEUROBIOLOGY
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          General  introduction  to  the  nervous  system  from  cellular
                                                                level (neuron) to functional systems.  Approach from basic
               Soft Skills:                                     aspects  of  neurogenesis,  neurocytology,  neuroanatomy,
               CS2, CT6, TS4, EM2, LL2                          neurochemistry,   neuro-physiology   and   comparative
                                                                neurobiology.  The effects of damage / non-functionality of
               Main References:                                 specific parts of the nervous system. Laboratory works will
               1. SIK 3003 Practical Manual                     involve  study  of  nerve  tissue  histological  slides,
                                                                specimens and brain models.

               SIK 3004   HORMONE BIOLOGY                       Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Various concepts in the biochemistry of hormone and the   Final Examination:    60%
               metabolic regulation in human. Biochemical pathways as
               well  as  in  determining  its  functional  operation  and  the   Medium of Instruction:
               controlling mechanism involved as well as mechanism of   English
               hormone  action.  Metabolic  characteristic  of  organs  and
               tissues,  metabolism  of  carbohydrate,  fat  and  protein,   Soft Skills:
               diabetes  mellitus  and  energy  balance  and  body  weight   CS4, CT2, TS1, LL2
                                                                Main References:
               Assessment Methods:                              1.  DL Jewett & MD Rayner (1984). Little Basic Concepts
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                        of  Neuronal  Function:  A  Multilevel,  Self-Teaching
               Final Examination:    60%                           Textbook. Brown & Company.
                                                                2.  ER  Kandel,  JH  Schwartz  &  TM  Jessel    (2000)
               Medium of Instruction:                              Principles  of  Neural  Science.  (4th  Ed).  McGraw-Hill
               English                                             Medical.
                                                                3.  GM  Sheperd    (1994)  Neurobiology.  (3rd  Ed).  Oxford
               Soft Skills:                                        University Press.
               CS3, CT3, LL2                                    4.  ER  Kandel  &  JH  Schwartz  (1993).  Prinsip  Sains
                                                                   Neural - terjemahan. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
                                                                5.  A  Raman,  R  Husain  &  M  Afandi  Muhamad  (1995)
                                                                   Fisiologi Manusia. Fajar

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