Page 174 - handbook 20152016
P. 174
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
Main References: This course is designed to expose students to the
1. Allard, R.W. (1960). Principles of Plant Breeding: John importance of postharvest biotechnology in horticulture. It
Wiley. covers the physiological processes involved and the use
2. Huckuck, H., Kobabe, G. & Wengel, G. (1991). of biotechnology to address postharvest problems. It also
Fundalmentals of Plant Breeding. Springer- Verlag. gives an overview of processes involved from the time of
3. Yap. T.C., & Mohd Said Saad. (1990). Pembiakbakaan harvest until the time the produce reaches the market.
Tumbuhan. Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka: Kuala Lumpur.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
SHET 3308 ANIMAL BREEDING Final Examinations: 60%
This course comprises of definitions, types, concepts, Medium of Instruction:
systems and technologies in animal breeding and English
management. Applications from various concepts will be
shown in the breeding and management of livestocks Soft Skills:
such as goat, sheep, cattle, ostrich, deer and chicken. CS4, CT4, TS2, EM2
Assessment Methods: Main References:
Continuous Assessment: 40% 1. Kays, S.J. (1991). Postharvest Physiology of Perishable
Final Examination: 60% Plant Products. Van Nostrand Reinhold.
2. Paliyath, G., Murr, D.P., Handa, A.K & Lurie, S. (2008).
Medium of Instruction: Postharvest Biology and Technology of Fruits,
English Vegetables, and Flowers. Wiley-Blackwell.
3. Wills, R., B. McGlasson, D.Graham,
Soft Skills: D.Joyce.2007.Postharvest : An Introduction to the
CS3, CT3 Physiology and Handling of Fruits, Vegetables, and
Ornamentals. 5 Edition. CABI.
Main References:
1. Brackett, B.G., Seidel, G.E. & Seidel, S.M. (1981). New
Technologies in Animal Breeding. Academic Press.
2. Lesley, J.F. (1992). Genetics of Livestock improvement:
3. Maciejowski, J. & Zirba, J. (1982). Genetics and Animal PROGRAMME
Breeding: Elsevier Scientific.
Career Prospects
SHET 3309 GENETIC ENGINEERING IN ANIMALS Upon completing their studies, our graduates can work as
AND PLANTS scientists, research officers, lecturers or administrative
officers in government or private (local or multinational)
This course explains the systems and techniques that can agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGO) or
be used in the genetic engineering of plants and animals, international bodies.
and potential consequences due to gene transfers. There
will be detailed discussions on specific examples of how
the technology can be used. Advantages and SIK 2001 HUMAN ANATOMY
disadvantages of genetic engineering to society are also
discussed. General introduction to the the human body including
anatomical terminologies and an overview of the human
Assessment Methods: anatomy. Body structure will be studied based on
Continuous Assessment: 40% systems. Form-function relationships will be emphasized
Final Examinations: 60% including on how the human anatomy relates to that of
other vertebrates. Practical components of the course
Medium of Instruction: generally parallels and reinforces lecture materials
English through the use of models as well as skeletal materials
and specimen demonstration.
Soft Skills:
CS4, CT3, TS3 Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Main References: Final Examination: 50%
1. Sanderson, J. (2007). Understanding Genes and
GMOs. World Scientific. Medium of Instruction:
2. Slater, A., Scott, N.W. & Fowler, M.R. (2003). Plant English
Biotechnology: The Genetic Manipulation of Plants.
Oxford University Press. Soft Skills:
3. Tourte, Y. (2003). Genetically Modified Organisms: CS4, CT3, EM2
Transgenesis in Plants. Science Publishers.
4. Galun, E & Breiman, A. (1997). Transgenic Main References:
Plants.Imperial College Press. 1. Kenneth S. Saladin (2008). Human Anatomy 2
Edition. McGraw Hill Publishing
2. Seeley R., Stephens, T and Tate, P (2008). Anatomy
and Physiology. 8 Edition. McGraw Hill Publishing