Page 172 - handbook 20152016
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
2. Trends in Biotechnology. SHET 3190 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING IN
Students will be stationed at their preferred industrial
SHET 3104 CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY placement choice. They will be doing daily chores as
indicated by their site supervisor. At the end of training,
Series of seminars and discussions on current/selected students are required to submit a complete report
topics on biotechnology including commercialization regarding their industrial training experience.
potentials. Students’ presentation (individual/group) on
selected topics on biotechnology. Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100%
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100% Medium of Instruction:
Medium of Instruction:
English Soft Skills:
CS7, CT5, TS5, LL2, EM3, LS4
Soft Skills:
CS3, CT3, TS2, KK1
SHET 3170 BIOTECHNOLOGY PRACTICAL Algae, including microalgae and macroalgae (seaweeds),
represent a biotechnological resource of great potential.
This course covers the following topics: importance of Algae Biotechnology is defined as “ the use of algae or a
industrial microorganisms; introduction to microbes, part of it in industrial products, medicine or processes”.
including actinomycetes, bacteria, algae and fungi; Topics taught include new biotechnological products like
isolation and identification of industrial microbes; medicine, polymers, enzymes and technologies for
selection of microbes for primary and secondary isolation and production of algal biomass and products;
metabolite screening – enzymes and bioactive agents; mass cultivation, harvesting and bioprocessing, strain
importance of bacteria, fungi and algae; bioactive agents improvement, etc. Application of algae biotechnology in
of bacteria, fungi and algae. aquaculture and environmental management.
Assessment Methods: Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100% Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
Medium of Instruction:
English Medium of Instruction:
Soft Skills:
CS5, CT4, TS3, EM2 Soft Skills:
CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2
Main References:
1. Dube, H.C. (1998). Textbook of Fungi and Bacteria. Main References:
Sangam Books. 1. Phang, S.M., Critchley, A.T. & Ang, P.Jr. (eds) (2006).
2. Ibrahim Che Omar. (2002) Prinsip Bioteknologi. Advances in Seaweed Utilisation and Cultivation in
Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. Asia. UMMReC Publication.
3. Stukus, P.E. (1997). Investigating Microbiology: Manual 2. Richmond, A. (ed). (2003). Handbook of Microalgal
for General Microbiology. Saunders. Culture: Biotechnology and Applied Phycology. Wiley-
3. Richard,A. (2004).Handbook of Microalgal
SHET 3180 RESEARCH PROJECT IN Culture.Biotechnology and Applied Phycology.Blackwell
The student will carry out a research project and then SHET 3302 FUNGAL BIOTECHNOLOGY
write a thesis, guided by one or two supervisors. The
student is encouraged to write a project proposal which This course concerns the structure, biology and role of
includes sections on literature review and materials and fungi in the chemical, agriculture, food, medical and
methods, before commencing the actual research. The bioremediation industries. Practical experience in the
project covers two semesters (I and II or II and III). The handling and isolation of fungi, as well as methodology of
thesis should be submitted in either semester II or the production of useful compounds from fungi are
semester III, respectively. included.
Assessment Methods: Assessment Methods:
Thesis : 75% Continuous Assessment: 40%
Presentation : 25% Final Examination: 60%
Medium of Instruction: Medium of Instruction:
English English
Soft Skills: Soft Skills:
CS4, CT5, LL2, EM2 CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2
Main References:
1. Charlile M.J. & Watkinson S.C. (1994) The Fungi.
Academic Press.