Page 170 - handbook 20152016
P. 170
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment : 40% Main References:
Final Examination: 60% 1. Borem, A., Santos, R. & Bowen, D.E. (2003)
Understanding Biotechnology. Prentice Hall.
Medium of Instruction: 2. Ratledge, C and Kristiansen, B. (2001). Basic
English Biotechnology. Cambridge University Press.
3. Glick, B.R., Pasternak, J.J. & Patten, C.L. (2010).
Soft Skills: Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of
CS3, CT3, TS2, Recombinant DNA. 4th ed. ASM Press: Washington
Main references:
1. Barnum, S.R. (1998). Biotechnology: An Introduction.
2. Baltz, R.H., Demain, A.L. & Davies, J.E. (2010). Manual
of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 3rd ed. Regeneration of complete plants from various cells,
ASM Press. tissues and organs from tissue culture systems. Media
3. Richmond, A. (2003). Handbook of Microalgal Culture: preparation and discussion of factors affecting cells,
Biotechnology and Applied Phycology. Blackwell tissues and organs growth and ultimately plant
Science. regeneration. Meristem culture and production of
diseases-free plants. Various types of cultures. Clonal
propagation, somatic embryogenesis. Production of
SHET 2106 HIGHER PLANT PHYSIOLOGY haploid and triploid plants. Production of secondary plant
metabolites in vitro. Importance and contributions of tissue
This course cover explaination of how plants function and culture technique. Cryopreservation. Animal tissue culture
grow. Includes metabolism (photosynthesis, respiration, and biotechnology
mineral nutrition), water relations, gas exchange,
response to environmental stresses, growth and Assessment Methods:
development in response to environmental cues and Continuous Assessment: 40%
biochemical control of growth. Final Examination: 60%
Assessment Methods: Medium of Instruction:
Continuous Assessment: 40% English
Final Examination: 60%
Soft Skills:
Medium of Instruction: CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2
Main References:
Soft Skills: 1. Rosna Mat Taha. (2004). Kultur Tisu Tumbuhan
CS4, CT3, TS3 Berbunga. Penerbit Universiti Malaya.
2. Lindsey, K. Plant Tissue Culture Manual. (1991).
Main References: Kluwer Academic Publishers: Netherlands.
1. Davies, P, J. (1995). Plant Hormone Physiology, 3. Pierik, R.L.M. (1987). In vitro culture of Higher Plants.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Kluwer Martinus Nijhoff: Dodrecht.
2. Mohr, H. (1995). Plant Physiology. Spring-Verlag.
3. Raven, P.H., Evert, R.F. & Eichhorn, S.E. (2005). SHET 2109 FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES IN
Biology of Plants. (7th ed.) Worth Publishers BIOTECHNOLOGY
An introduction to the theory of basic laboratory
SHET 2107 PRINCIPLES OF RECOMBINANT DNA techniques in molecular biology, with emphasis on basic
TECHNOLOGY laboratory functions and techniques. This course
concentrates on DNA structure and function along with
Introduction to the principle of DNA recombinant techniques of DNA analysis, including cloning, restriction
technology; basic steps in gene cloning and gene digests, and polymerase chain reaction.
analysis; vectors; enzymes; methods of DNA restriction
and DNA ligation; methods to introduce foreign DNA into Assessment Methods:
host cells; screening of clones; characterisation of clones; Continuous Assessment: 40%
enzymatic manipulation of DNA and RNA; radioactive and Final Examination: 60%
non-radioactive probe labelling; Southern and Northern
hybridisations, colony, plaque and dot-blotting; radioactive Medium of Instruction:
and non-radioactive hybridisations; plasmid vector for E. English
coli and non- E.coli organisms, PCR; site-directed
mutagenesis and protein engineering; DNA sequencing; Soft Skills:
gene mapping. Practicals. CS3, CT3, LL2
Assessment Methods: Main References:
Continuous Assessment: 40% 1. Borem A, Santos R and Bowen DE (2003)
Final Examination: 60% Understanding
Biotechnology.Prentice Hall Publication.
Medium of Instruction: 2. Ratledge, C. & Kristiansen, B. (2001). Basic
English Biotechnology. Cambridge University Press.
3. Glick, B.R., Pasternak, J.J. & Patten, C.L. (2010).
Soft Skills: Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of
CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2 Recombinant DNA. 4th ed. ASM Press.