Page 166 - handbook 20152016
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
3. Mitchell L Model (2010). Bioinformatics Programming Soft Skills:
Using Python. O’Reilly Media. CS4, CT3, LL2, EM2
This course covers the following topics: The concepts of This course aims to introduce the concepts in image
molecular viewer and protein databases; The structure of processing and analysis, specifically on biological images.
biomolecules especially proteins; Protein structure It covers the introduction of the digital image
determination and prediction; Applications of biomolecular representation, processing and analysis. Various
modeling in drugs and vaccine development and design. problems related to biological images are considered to be
solved using programming language such as Matlab and
Assessment Methods: C++, as well as image processing and analysis software
Continuous Assessment: 40% such as ImageJ and Adobe Photoshop.
Final Examination: 60%
Assessment Methods:
Medium of Instruction: Continuous Assessment: 60%
English Final Examination: 40%
Soft Skills: Medium of Instruction:
CT3, TS2, LL2 English
Main References: Soft Skills:
1. Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., CS4, CT3, TS2
& Walter, P. (2008). Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5
ed. Garland Science. Main References:
2. Carley A. F. and Morgan P.H. Computational Methods 1. Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods (2012). Digital
in the Chemical Sciences. Ellis Harwood Ltd. Image Processing. 3rd ed. Pearson Education.
3. Leach, A.R. (2001). Molecular Modelling: Principles and 2. Chris Solomon & Toby Breckon (2013). Fundamental of
Applications. 2 ed. Prentice Hall. Digital Image Processing: A Practical Approach with
Examples in Matlab. Wiley-Blackwell.
3. Omer Demirkaya, Musa H. Asyali, Prasanna K. Sahoo
SIB 3006 GENOMICS (2012). Image Processing with MATLAB: Applications in
Medicine and Biology. CRC Press.
This course covers the following topics: Organismic
genomes; Genome anatomy, mapping, evolution, analysis
and rearrangements; Genome databases; Genome and SIB 2013 OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING
transcriptome sequencing technology.
This course aims to introduce the concept of object-
Assessment Methods: oriented programming. It covers the introduction of object-
Continuous Assessment: 30% oriented (OO) programming paradigm such as OO
Final Examination: 70% concepts (class, property, method, etc.), constructor,
destructor, operator overloading, functions, class
Medium of Instruction: template, data abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism,
English exception handling, pointers, recursion and linked list data
structure. Various problems related to Bioinformatics are
Soft Skills: considered to be solved using OO programming language
CT3 such as C++ or Java.
Main References: Assessment Methods:
1. Bruce R. Korf and Mira B. Irons (2013). Human Continuous Assessment: 60%
Genetics and Genomics. Final Examination: 40%
2. Nancy Craig, Rachel Green, Carol Greider and Gisela
Storz (2014). Molecular Biology: Principles of Genome Medium of Instruction:
Function. English
3. Leland H. Hartwell, Michael Goldberg, Janice Fischer
and Charles (Chip) Aquadro (2014). Genetics: From Soft Skills:
Genes to Genomes. CS4, CT3, TS2
Main References:
SIB 3011 CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOINFORMATICS 1. Walter Savitch (2013). Absolute C++. Fifth Edition.
This course covers special topics concerning currents 2. Walter Savitch (2012). Problem Solving with C++. 7
issues in Bioinformatics. It headed towards special topics ed. Addison Wesley.
that introduce bioinformatics. Importance is as well given 3. Tore Samuelsson (2012). Genomics and Bioinformatics:
to the latest research areas in bioinformatics. Topics are An Introduction to Programming Tools for Life
delivered in a series of seminars followed by exercises Scientists. Cambridge University Press.
and assignments.
Continuous Assessment: 100%
This course introduces the concepts of human-computer
Medium of Instruction: interaction, interaction design process, implementation
English support, evaluation techniques and current issues in HCI