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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

                 Genebank  Management  System.  International  Plant   Main References:
                 Genetic  Resources  Institute  (formerly  International   1. Slater,  A.,  Scott,  N.W.  &  Fowler,  M.R.  (2003).  Plant
                 Board for Plant Genetic Resources) : Rome.       Biotechnology:  The  Genetic  Manipulation  of  Plants.
                                                                  Oxford University Press.
               2. Various  databases  on  genetic  resource  informatics  in   2. Stewart,  C.N.  (2008).  Plant  Biotechnology  and
                 and outside of Malaysia.                         Genetics:  Principles,  Techniques  and  Applications.
                                                                3. Halford,  N.  (2006).  Plant  Biotechnology:  Current  and
                                                                  Future Applications of Genetically Modified Crops. John
                                                                SHET 2103    ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY

               Career Prospects                                 Definition  and  introduction  of  animal  biotechnology  in
               Upon  graduation,  graduates  with  BSc  in  Biotechnology   general,  with  respect  to  animal  reproductivity,  artificial
               can  occupy  positions  such  as  scientist,  researcher,   insemination  techniques  in  livestock  animal,  sperm
               lecturer,  and  management  officer  in  Government   cryopreservation, production and application of vaccines.
               Agencies,  Private  Agencies  (Local  /  Multinational),  Non-
               Governmental  Organisations  (NGO)  and  International   Assessment Methods:
               Bodies.                                          Continuous Assessment:     40%
                                                                Final Examination:      60%
               SHET 2101    APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Introduction  to  industrial  microorganisms.  Roles  of   English
               bacteria,  alga  and  fungi  for  life  and  the  environment.
               Microbial culture, growth and control. Bioactive agents and   Soft Skills:
               genetic engineering. Applications of microbes in medicine,   CS3, CT3, EM2
               industry, agriculture, waste treatment and biodegradation
               of pollutants. Microbial processes   in production of food,   Main References:
               drinks,   dairy   products   and   bioactive   agents   1. Alan,  J.  H.  &  Johnson,  A.  (1997).  Animal
               (pharmaceutical and non pharmaceuticals).          Biotechnology and Ethics. Springer-Verlag.
                                                                2. Renaville, R. & Burny, A. (eds). (2001). Biotechnology
               Assessment Methods:                                in Animal Husbandry. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
               Continuous Assessment:    40%                    3. Nagabhushanam, R.,  Diwan, A. D., Zahurnec, B. J. &
               Final Examination:    60%                          Sarojini,  R.  (2004).  Biotechnology  of  Aquatic  Animals.
                                                                  Science Publisher: USA.
               Medium of Instruction:
                                                                SHET 2104    BIOCHEMISTRY
               Soft Skills:
               CT3, TS3, EM2                                    This  course  explains  the  structure  of  protein  and  its
                                                                function, with emphasis on enzyme catalysis and kinetics,
               Main References:                                 metabolism  of  carbohydrates,  lipids,  amino  acids  and
               1. Madigan,  M.T.  &  Martinko,  J.M.  (2006).  Brock  Biology   nucleotides.  Membrane  structure  and  function  in  cellular
                 of Microorganisms. 11th ed. Prentice Hall.     transport are also discussed.
               2. Talaro,  K.P.  (2009).  Foundations  in  Microbiology.  7th
                 ed. McGraw-Hill: Boston.                       Assessment Methods:
               3. Tortora,  G.J.,  Funke,  B.R.,  &  Case,  C.L.  (2006).    Continuous Assessment:    40%
                 Microbiology:  An  Introduction.  9th  ed.  Benjamin   Final Examination:      60%
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               SHET 2102    PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY
                                                                Soft Skills:
               This  course  will  approach  plant  biology  from  the   CS3, CT3,
               perspective of biotechnology. Through the lecture series,
               we  will  concentrate  on  the  applied  use  of  our   Main References:
               understanding  of  plant  biotechnology  to  alter  plants.  We   1. Berg,  J.M.,  Tymoczko,  J.L.  &  Stryer,  L.  (2010).
               will  focus  on  particular  examples  where  manipulation  of   Biochemistry. 7th ed. W.H. Freeman.
               genetic material  in  plants  offers opportunities  to  radically   2. Voet, D. & Voet, J.G. (2004). Biochemistry. 4th ed. John
               alter plant metabolism and to increase our understanding   Wiley.
               of plants.                                       3. Hardin  J.,  Bertoni  G.  and  Kleinsmith  L.  J.  (2012)
                                                                  Becker's World of the Cell. (8th edition). Pearson.
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%
               Medium of Instruction:                           SHET 2105    MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY
                                                                The  microbes  are  a  group  of  microscopic  organisms
               Soft Skills:                                     comprising  bacteria,  algae,  fungi  and  actinomycetes.
               CS4, CT4, TS2, EM2                               Their  physiological  aspects  such  as  growth,  metabolism
                                                                and  photosynthesis  (for  algae)  are  discussed;  nutrition,
                                                                isolation  and  production  of  biochemicals  with  economic
                                                                potential, mass cultivation.

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