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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

               SIK 3012    STEM CELL BIOLOGY                       Degradation of Health-Risk Compounds / V.P. Singh;
                                                                   ISBN: 0-444-81977-0 ; Elsevier On ScienceDirect® e-
               This  lecture  series  is  designed  to  give  the  student  an  in   Books
               depth  understanding  of  stem  cells,  their  uses  in   2.  Microbes:  Concepts  and  Applications,  Microbes:
               regenerative  therapies  and  how  stem  cells  can  be  the   concepts  and  applications  /  Prakash  S.  Bisen,
               initiating  cells  in  diseases  such  as  cancer.  The  course   Mousumi  Debnath,  Godavarthi  B.K.S.  Prasad.  ISBN:
               starts with general introduction to stem cell biology which   9780470905944;  Hoboken,  N.J.:  Wiley-Blackwell,
               covers definition, characterisation and signalling pathways   2012. On Ebrary e-Books
               involved  in  maintenance  of  stem  cells.  The  use  of  stem   3.  Microbial   Technologies   in   Advanced   Biofuels
               cells in regenerative therapies will then be covered, along   Production,  Microbial  Technologies  in  Advanced
               with  the  generation  of  the  alternative  induced  pluripotent   Biofuels Production /edited by Patrick C. Hallenbeck.
               stem cells (iPSC) for use in patient specific therapies and   ISBN: — Springer eBooks, 2012
               for  the study  of  disease.  Finally the  course  will  focus  on   4.  Bioioaugmentation,  Biostimulation  and  Biocontrol,
               stem cells as the initiating cells of cancer and will consider   Bioaugmentation,   Biostimulation   and   Biocontrol
               the  adverse  effects  of  possible  genomic  instabilities,   /edited  by  Ajay  Singh,  Nagina  Parmar,  Ramesh  C.
               associated with long term culture of human stem cells.   Kuhad.
                                                                   ISBN: — Springer eBooks, 2011
               Assessment Methods:                              5.  Manual  of  Environmental  Microbiology,  Manual  of
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                        environmental microbiology  /  editor  in  chief,  Christon
               Final Examination:    50%                           J.  Hurst;  editors,  Ronald  L.  Crawford  [et  al.].  ISBN:
                                                                   9781555813796;  3rd  ed.;  Washington,  D.C.:  ASM
               Medium of Instruction:                              Press, c2007. On Ebrary e-Books

               Soft Skills:                                     SIK 3014    CLINICAL ENZYMOLOGY
               CS2, CT2, TS4, LL2
                                                                This  course  encompasses  proteins  and  enzymes
               Main References:                                 properties,  early  enzyme  discovery,  chemical  nature  of
               1. NIH Stem Cell Primer 2009; ISSCR Primer.      enzyme, specificity of enzymes, naming and classification;
               2. NIH Early Development; Rossant, Cell 132, 2008.   Factors  affecting  activity  of  an  enzyme;  Structural
               3. Solter, Nature Rev. Gen. 7, 2006.             abnormality  of  enzymes  and  expression  of  isoenzymes,
               4. Fuchs, Cell 137, 2009.                        their  clinical  significance;  Disease  and  intracellular
               5. Morrison & Spradling, Cell 132, 2008.         enzyme,  basis  of  diagnostic  use;  Principle  and  types  of
               6. STEMBOOK :           enzyme assays.

                                                                Assessment Methods:
               SIK 3013    MICROBIAL BIOPROSPECTING             Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                                                Final Examination:    60%
               This course will prepare the students with knowledge and
               practical  skill  of  microbial  exploration  related  to  Health   Medium of Instruction:
               sciences  such  as  microbial  diseases  &  prevention,  and   English
               food/water  safety.   The  topic  will  include  variety  of
               microbial exploration,  its application  from  laboratory  to   Soft Skills:
               commercialization  stage,  and  world  challenges  in  food   CS2, CT3, TS1, LL2
               production,  therapeutic  application  in  pharmaceutical
               industry, bioremediation in agricultural and environmental   Main References:
               sector,  and  oil  recovery  in  petroleum  industry.   This   1.  Textbook  of  Biochemistry  with  Clinical  Correlation.
               research-oriented   course aims   to   produce   many   Thomas Devlin 5th Ed.   Wiley-Liss
               successful   innovators,   technological   experts   and   2.  Clinical  Biochemistry.  An  illustrated  Colour  Text.Gaw
               entrepreneurs  for  future.  This  course  would  also  be  a   et al. 3rd. Churchill    Livingstone.
               model for how universities could transform ideas into real-  3.  Clinical  Chemistry.  Philip  D  Mayne.  6th  Ed.  Edward
               world   innovations   beginning   with   student    Arnold. Oxford University Press Inc.
               entrepreneurship,  technology  development,  technology   4.  Introduction  to  Protein  Structure.  Carl  Branden  and
               transfer, and company creation. The outcomes include the   John Tooze.Garland   Publishing Inc.
               creation of educated and successful bioentrepreneurs, the   5.  Anatomy and Toxonomy of Protein Structure. Jane. S.
               development of new technological innovations, and initiate   Richardson. 1981.Adv. Prot. Chem. 34: 167-339
               the  formation  of  start-up  companies  that  promote  both
               societal and economic growth.
                                                                SIK 3015  GENETICS AND HUMAN HEALTH
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:        100%               In  this  course,  students  will  learn  the  importance  of  cell
               Consisting of;                                   cycle fidelity and genome stability as well as their relation
               Case Study/Project Work/Field   70%              to  the  pathophysiology  of  various  genetic  diseases
               Work/Onsite                                      including cancer. The principles of genetic toxicology and
               Presentation                 30%                 the diversity of techniques and tools employed in genetic
                                                                toxicology will also be covered in this course. Students will
               Medium of Instruction:                           also  learn  to  appraise  the  importance  and  suitability  of
               English                                          DNA-based technologies for human health improvement.

               Soft Skills:                                     Assessment Methods:
               CS5, CT7, TS2, LL2, KK4, EM2, LS2                Continuous Assessment:   60%
                                                                Final Examination:    40%
               Main References:
               1.  Biotransformations:  Microbial  Degradation  of  Health-  Medium of Instruction:
                  Risk   Compounds,   Biotransformations:   Microbial   English

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