Page 186 - handbook 20152016
P. 186
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
CS7, CT6,TS5, LL3, LS4
This practical course introduces the students with
fundamental techniques in the field of biochemistry. Apart Main References:
from that the students also will learn the methods of 1. Rockstein M (1978). Biochemistry of Insects edited by
scientific calculation and report writing. Among the Academic press pp649.
biochemical techniques the students will learn are 2. Harborne J.B (1993).Introduction to Ecological
fundamental practice in buffer solution preparation, Biochemistry. 4th Ed. Academic Press.
spectrophotometer usage in biochemical experiments, 3. Gary J. Blomquist, and Richard G. Vogt (2003) Insect
isolation and purification of biomolecules and enzyme Pheromone Biochemistry and Molecular Biology:
kinetics. “The Biosynthesis and Detection of Pheromones and
Plant Volatiles” Elsevier/Academic Press, 74 pages.
Assessment Methods: 4. Journal of Insect Biochemistry and molecular Biology-
Continuous Assessment: 100% Springer (for Assignment).
Medium of Instruction: 5. Journal of Insect Biochemistry,Journal of Insect
biochemistry and Physiology.
Soft Skills:
Main References: The ecosystem: interaction between the biotic and abiotic
1. Manual SIJ 2008 Amali Biokimia I, ISB. components. The energy concept and trophic levels.
2. Biochemistry 4 ed. Voet. 2011 J. Wiley, New York Biogeochemical cycles for carbon, nitrogen, sulphur,
phosphorus. Petroleum industry, impacts of oil spills to
3. Analytical Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular the natural environment and biological treatment.
Biology. Katoch R. Springer eBooks, 2011 Xenobiotics: benefits and impacts. Bioconversion of
4. Essentials of Biochemistry Fromm HJ, Hargrove M. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and
Springer eBooks, 2012 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Environmental impacts
5. Textbook of biochemistry: with clinical correlations of anthropogenic activities e.g. deforestation, urbanisation,
6 ed. Devlin. 2006. Wiley. monoculture farming, mining.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
SIJ 2009 BIOCHEMISTRY PRACTICAL II Final Examination: 60%
This practical course introduces the students with specific Medium of Instruction:
techniques in the field of biochemistry. Among the English
biochemical techniques the students will learn GCMS,
Western Blotting, DNA extraction, determination of Soft Skills:
molecules in serum and urine. CS3, CT3, LL2
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100% Main References:
1. Girard J.E. (2010) Principles of environmental
chemistry, 2 ed. Jones and Bartlett Publ. ISBN
Medium of Instruction: 9780763759391
English 2. Pepper I.L., Gerba C.P., Gentry T.J. (eds) (2014)
Environmental Microbiology. ISBN 9780123946263
Soft Skills: 3. Saksena D.N., Gaidhane D.M. (2010) Environmental
CT5, TS2, LL2, EM2 Biology. ISBN 9789380012216 (Ebrary e-Books)
4. Barton L.L., Mandl M., Loy A. (eds) (2010)
Main References: Geomicrobiology: Molecular and Environmental
1. Biochemistry 3 ed. Voet. 2012 J. Wiley Perspective. Springer eBooks
2. Textbook of biochemistry: with clinical correlations 6 5. Xu J., Wu J., He Y. (eds) (2013) Functions of Natural
ed. Devlin. 2012. Wiley. Organic Matter in Changing Environment. Springer
3. Biochemistry 5 ed. Stryer. 2012. Freeman
4. SIJ 2009 Manual book, ISB. eBooks.
Students will be taught about the importance of healthy
This course provides the basic principles relating to insect eating and its implications to healthy life at different stages
biochemistry with reference to named insect species and of life. Section A (30%) deals with food and nutrition,
explains the mechanism of hormone control for insect section B (20%) deals with the digestive tract, digestion of
growth, pheromone role in insect communication, food and absorption of nutrients, section C (30%) deals
biochemical defense in insects and the mechanism of with the human nutritional needs at different stages of the
detoxification in insects. Relationship between plants, lifecycle. The nutrient requirements during the four main
insects and their life processes are introduced. stages of the human lifecycle vary considerably. The
requirements for infants, children, adults and the elderly
Assessment Methods: are different. There are also specific nutrients for a
Continuous Assessment: 40% pregnant women and lactating mothers. Finally section D
Final Examination: 60% (20%) will deal with non-communicable disease
associated with unhealthy eating lifestyle.
Medium of Instruction: