Page 187 - handbook 20152016
P. 187

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

               Assessment Methods:                              SIJ 3002 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING IN BIOCHEMISTRY
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:     60%                       Students will undergo practical training elsewhere outside
                                                                the faculty i.e. in foreign institution or private sectors that
               Medium of Instruction:                           focused on research and development (R&D), diagnostic
               English                                          or pathological laboratory, industrial factories that involve
                                                                processing,  pharmaceutical,  cosmetic, medical  and  other
               Soft Skills:                                     related sectors.
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Main References:                                 Continuous Assessment:   100%
               1.  Mahan, L. K., Escott-Stump, S., Raymond, J. L. (2012)   (Industrial Training Report : 100%)
                  Krause's Food, Nutrition & Diet Therapy, 13th Edition.
                  Saunders.                                     Medium of Instruction:
               2.  Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Berning, J., Beshgetoor, D.,   English
                  Moe, G. (2012) Wardlaw's Perspectives in Nutrition 9
                  edition. Mc Graw Hill                         Soft Skills:
               3.  Whitney, E. and Rolfes, S.R. (2011). Understanding   CS8, CT7, TS1, LL2, EM3
                  Nutrition, 12th edition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
               4.  Wardlaw, G.M. (1997). Contemporary Nutrition: Issues   Main References:
                  and insights. 3rd edition. Brown and Benchmark Pub.   Depending on the needs / projects / clinical laboratory
               5.  Harpers’s Biochemistry 25th edition. (2000). McGraw-  SOPs etc.

                                                                SIJ 3003 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
                                                                This  course  starts  with  molecular  biology  of  plant
               Importance and future of scientific literature, contrast the   organelles  with  emphasis  on  unique  plant  genes,
               difference  between  types  of  journals  and  commentaries,   genomes  and  expression.  Topics  on  photosynthesis  will
               plagiarism  and  copyright  issues,  methods  of  literature   also be discussed which include emergence and evolution
               search,  journal  writing  and  commentaries,  presentation   photosynthesis,   light   harvesting   mechanism,
               skill  and  seminar  participation,  current  research  in   photosystems  and  adaptations.  This  course  also  offers
               biochemistry.                                    topics on plant development which covers leaf and flower
                                                                development, senescence as well as plant defence. Gene
               Assessment Methods:                              transfer  and  genetic  engineering  in  plants  will  also  be
               Continous assessment : 100%                      discussed  with  emphasis  on  both  the  molecular  biology
                                                                genetic  engineering  as  well  as  the  issues  surrounding
               Medium of Instruction:                           genetically modified plants.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Soft Skills:                                     Continuous Assessment:   60%
               CS2, CT3, TS1, LL2                               Final Examination:     40%

               Main References:                                 Medium of Instruction:
               Selected recent journal articles.                English

                                                                Soft Skills:
               SIJ 3001 RESEARCH PROJECT IN BIOCHEMISTRY        CT3, CS2, LL2

               This course is intended to introduce practical aspects of   Main References:
               the principles of Biochemistry. Students will be exposed to   1.  Biochemistry (5th ed). Garrett & Grisham. 2012. USA.
               research methodology in Biochemistry, critical scientific   Cengage Learning.
               thinking, methods for problem solving, research ethics,   2.  Introducing  to  Plant  Biotechnology  (3rd  ed).  Chawla.
               record keeping, presentation and scientific writing skills.    2012. New Delhi. Oxford & IBH Publishing Company.
               Students are required to:                        3.  Plant Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (4th ed). Hans
                  Carry out experiments in the laboratory         Walter  Heldt.  2010.  Hiedelberg/London/New  York.
                  Data analysis                                   Elsevier Academic Press.
                  Write a dissertation                         4.  Plant  Biotechnology:  The  genetic  manipulation  of
                  Present the results of the research             plants.  Slater  A,  Scott  N  and  Fowler  M.  2008.  De
                                                                   Montfort University. Oxford University Press.
               Assessment Methods:                              5.  Introducing  to  Plant  Physiology  (5th  ed).  Hopkins  &
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                       Huner. 2008. USA Wiley.
                (Thesis: 70%; Oral Presentation: 30%)

                                                                SIJ 3004   CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY AND
               Medium of Instruction:                                   PHYSIOLOGY
                                                                This course is designed to provide students with a sound
               Soft Skills:                                     understanding  about specialised  role  and  function  of  the
               CS4, CT6, TS3, LL3, EM1, LS2.                    physiological systems.  Signs and symptoms that occur in
                                                                diseases in relation to disorders or changes in the body’s
               Main References:                                 physiological systems will also be discussed.
               Books,  journal  publications,  laboratory  manuals,  notes  -   This  course  will  also  discuss  the  laboratory  testing and
               depending on each students’ research project     associated   analytical   methods and   test   result
                                                                interpretation  as  applied  in  the  current  clinical

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