Page 164 - handbook 20162017
P. 164

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               SIR 3014  ADVANCED VIROLOGY                      Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:  100%
               Interaction  between  virus  and cells  in culture; Interaction
               between  virus  and  host  organisms; HIV  infection  and  Medium of Instruction:
               AIDS pathogenesis; Control of viral transmission through  English
               vaccination; Control  of  viral  transmission  and  disease
               through  the  use  of  anti-virals; Viruses  in  human  cancer;  Soft Skills:
               Virus evolution; Practical classes.              CS4, CT3, TS3, LL2, EM2, LS2
               Assessment Methods:                              Main References:
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      1. Voet and Voet Biochemistry (4th edition) 2011
               Final Examination:  60%                             Publisher Wiley
                                                                2. Microbial Biochemistry 2nd Edition by G.N. Cohen
               Medium of Instruction:                              2011 Springer
               English                                          3. Dawes & Sutherland:2002 Microbial Physiology.2 nd
                                                                   Edition Blackwell.
               Soft Skills:
               CS6, CT4, TS4, LL2, EM1, LS1
                                                                SIR 3017    ADVANCED IMMUNOLOGY
               Main References:
                1.  Knipe, D.M & Howley, P. Fields Virology. 6th Edition  The  course  gives  an  understanding  of  the  importance  of
                    (2013). LWW. ISBN-13: 978-1451.             the  failure  and  deficiency  of  the  immune system  in
                2.  Collier, L., Oxford, J., & Kellam, P. Human Virology,  providing  protection.    The  introduction  will  focus  on
                    4th Edition (2011). Oxford University Press. ISBN-  various  major  component  of  the  immune  system  and  in
                    13: 978-0199570881 ISBN-10: 0199570884      situations  when  it  fails  in  its  function  as  a  result  in
                3.  Cann, A.J. Principles of Molecular Virology, Fifth  deficiency  of  its  various components,  and  the  different
                    Edition (2011). Elsevier. ISBN-13: 978-0521289092  manifestation  resulting  in  the  host.  The  importance  of  a
                    ISBN-10: 012384939X                         balance  between  tolerance  and  autoimmunity  will  be
                                                                discussed. In certain situation, when cells do not respond
                                                                in  the  correct  manner  to  growth,  resulting  in  tumor  or
               SIR 3015 TECHNIQUES IN MOLECULAR                 cancer  will  be  discussed.  The  importance  and
                       MICROBIOLOGY                             understanding  of transplant  immunology  as  a  cure  for
                                                                certain  diseases  with  organ  or  cell  function  failures.  The
               Principles  of  techniques  used  in  Molecular  Microbiology,  undesired  effects  resulting  from  reactions  of  effector
               basic cloning procedures-DNA extraction, cloning vectors,  molecules in hypersensitivity or allergy will be discussed.
               restriction enzymes, ligases, transformation. Expression of  The inability of the immune system to protect the host from
               cloned  genes.  Overview  of  various  techniques-nucleic  undesired diseases, AIDS and various immunodeficiency
               acid  hybridisation,  PCR  based  methods,  restriction  disease will be discussed. The current therapeutic status
               fragment  length  polymorphism,  DNA  sequencing,  DNA  and protection with a focus on vaccines for the undesired
               microarray, Application of techniques in different branches  immune response will be discussed.
               of  Microbiology,  Bioinformatics  and  molecular  data
               analysis.                                        Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:  40%
               Assessment Methods:                              Final Examination:  60%
               Continuous Assessment:  100%
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Medium of Instruction:                           English
                                                                Soft Skills:
               Soft Skills:                                     CS3, CT3, TS3, LL2, LS1
               CS4, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM1, LS1
                                                                Main References:
               Main References:                                  1.  Kuby Immunology. Owen J, Punt J, Stranford S.
                1.  Microbiology Principles and Explorations. 8 Ed. JG  (2013)
                    Black. Wiley (2012).                         2.  Cellular and Molecular Immunology. 8 ed. Abul K.
                2.  Microbiology An Introduction Tortora, Funke, Case.  Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman (2014).
                    11 Ed. Pearson Benjamin Cummings (2013)      3.  Janeway’s Immunobiology. Murphy K (2011).
                3.  Microbiology 3 Ed. R. Bauman. 2012 Pearson
                    International Edition. Benjamin Cummings.
                                                                ISB  COURSES OFFERED AS FACULTY  ELECTIVE
                                                                COURSES  (EF)  TO  STUDENTS  FROM  OTHER
                                                                INSTITUTES OR DEPARTMENTS IN THE FACULTY OF
               This  course  is thought  using  the  PBL  (Problem-Based
               Learning) technique to encourage students to be involved  SIX 1006  MALAYSIAN FLORA
               actively  in  the  learning  process,  to  think  and  to
               communicate  effectively.  Relevant  current  topics  in  Distribution and origin of Malaysian Flora. Floral diversity
               Microbial   Physiology  and   Biochemistry   are  and  the  important  characters  of  algae,  fungi,  mosses,
               emphasised.Student will present choosen topics in groups  ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms.  The importance of
               and  individually.  Every  topic  will  be  analysed, discussed  flora in human life and the importance of conservation.
               and evaluated by the facilitator and the other students in
               the class. Students are also required to write an essay on  Assessment Methods:
               the topics that they have presented.             Continuous Assessment:  40%
                                                                Final Examination:    60%

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