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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Medium of Instruction:                           SIR 2006  BACTERIOLOGY II
                                                                Introduction  to  principles  of  bacterial  taxonomy  including
               Soft Skills:                                     classical  systematic and  phylogenetics.  Introduction  to
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL1, LS1                          isolation,  purification,  identification  and  classification  of
                                                                main  Archaea  and  Gram  positive  bacteria.  Role  and
               Main References:                                 impact of Gram positive bacteria to life and environment.
                1.  Brock Biology of Microorganisms (14th ed): Ed.
                    Madigan, Martinko & Parker, Publisher Prentice  Assessment Methods:
                    Hall. (2014)                                Continuous Assessment:  40%
                2.  Fundamental Food Microbiology. Bibek, R. and Arun  Final Examination:  60%
                    B. (Eds.). CRC Press (2013).
                3.  Journal of Food Microbiology                Medium of Instruction:

               SIR 2004  GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY                   Soft Skills:
                                                                CS3, CT3, TS2, LL1
               Introduction  to  Microbiology,  concepts  and  basic
               techniques  of  microbiology,  evolution,  structure  and  Main References:
               function  of  the  parts  of  prokaryotic,  diversity  and  1.  Brock Biology of Microorganisms by Madigan,
               importance of microorganisms including archaea, bacteria,  Martinko & Parker (2014) Prentice Hall.
               fungi and viruses.                                2.  Prescott’s Microbiology by Willey, Sherwood &
                                                                    Woolverton (2014) McGraw-Hill.
               Assessment Methods:                               3.  Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (2012)
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                          Springer.
               Final Examination:  60%
               Medium of Instruction:                           SIR 2007  VIROLOGY
                                                                Structure  and  Composition  of  Viruses: Building  of  viral
               Soft Skills:                                     capsid  structures,  the  types  of  viral  capsids  and
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LS2                               nucleocapsids, virus envelope, the types of viral proteins
                                                                and nucleic acids.
               Main References:                                 Virus  replication:  virus  entry  into  cells,  Baltimore
                1.  Talaro, K. P. Foundations in Microbiology: Basic  classification, viral genome expression (RNA transcription
                    Principles, 9 ed, 2014, McGraw-Hill.        and  protein  translation)  based  on  Baltimore  groups,  viral
                2.  Ted R. Jphnson & Christine L. Case. Laboratory  genome replication, assembly of viral components to form
                    Experiments in Microbiology, CourseSmart e  new viruses.
                    Textbook, 10/E, 2013, Benjamin Cummings.    Practical: Primary, secondary, and continuous cell culture,
                3.  Madigan M.T., Martinko J.M., Bender K.S., Buckely  viral infection of cell culture, observing the effects of viral
                    D.H.,  Stahl  D.A.  &  Brock  T.  Brock  Biology  of  infection  on  cells,  plaque  assays  for  viral  titration,
                    Microorganisms,   14 th  ed,   2014,   Benjamin  observing the different plaques formed by a variety of viral
                    Cummings.                                   infection of various cell lines.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               SIR 2005  BACTERIOLOGY I                         Continuous Assessment:  40%
                                                                Final Examination:  60%
               Introduction  to  isolation,  purification,  enumeration,
               identification  and  classification  of  main  Gram  negative  Medium of Instruction:
               bacteria.  Growth  aspects  and  the  control  of  bacterial  English
               growth.  Role  and  impact  of  Gram  negative  bacteria  in
               daily life.                                      Soft Skills:
                                                                CS6, CT4, TS4, LL2, EM1, LS1
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      Main References:
               Final Examination:  60%                           1.  Cann, A.J. Principles of Molecular Virology. Fifth
                                                                    Edition (2011). ISBN-13: 978-012384397.
               Medium of Instruction:                            2.  ViralZone: a knowledge resource to understand
               English                                              virus diversity. Hulo C, de Castro E, Masson P,
                                                                    Bougueleret L, Bairoch A, Xenarios I, Le Mercier P.
               Soft Skills:                                         Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jan;39(Database
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL1                                   issue):D576-82.
                                                                 3.  Greenwood, D., Slack, R.C.B., Barer, M.R., Irving,
               Main References:                                     W.L. Medical Microbiology. 18th Edition (2012).
               1.  Brock Biology of Microorganisms (14th ed): Ed.   ISBN: 9780702040894
                   Madigan, Martinko & Parker, Publisher Prentice Hall.
               2.  Microbiology: An Introduction (11th ed):Tortora GJ  SIR 2008  MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND
                   (2012).                                               BIOCHEMISTRY
               3.  Todar’s Online Textbook of Bacteriology
                   (     Growth,  injuries,  starvation  and  death.  Morphogenesis.
                                                                Structure  and  function  of  membranes,  movement  and
                                                                chemotaxis.  Aggregation  and  biofilm  formation.  Energy
                                                                production:   aerobic   and   anaerobic.   Anapleurotic
                                                                pathways. Photosyntesis. Biosyntesis of macromolecules.

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