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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               Medium of Instruction:                               Disease  4th  edition  Charles  A.  Janeway,  Paul
               English                                              Travers, Mark Walport and J Donald Capra
                                                                4.  The  Biology  of  Cancer.  Robert  A.Weinberg  (2006).
               Soft Skills                                          Garland Science Textbooks
               CS4, CT3, LL2                                    5.  Journals
               Main References:
               1. Genome Analysis and Bioinformatics: A Practical  SIL 3013  GENETICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY OF
                  Approach (2009), Sharma, T. R.                         VIRUSES
               2. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis
                  (2006), David Mount.                          This  course  will  involve  theoretical  and  practical  skills
               3. Analysis of Genes and Genomes (2004), Richard J.  related  to  the  genetics  and  the  biotechnological
                  Reece.                                        application of viruses. Topics will include the biology and
                                                                genetics of plant, animal and medically important viruses
                                                                and  their  importance  in  human  lives  and  activities. Virus
               SIL 3011 APPLICATIONS OF RECOMBINANT DNA         life cycles and diversity will be compared and discussed
                        TECHNOLOGY                              together with the mechanisms of transmission and control,
                                                                especially related to medicine and agriculture. The use of
               This  is  an  advanced  course  covering  applications  of  viruses  and  viral  genes  in  biotechnology  ranging  from
               recombinant  DNA  technology  to  medicine,  agriculture,  research and therapeutic use to applications in agriculture
               industry  and  research.  Health  care:  diagnostics  for  and industry will also be discussed.
               infectious  and  genetic  disease,  gene  therapy, vaccine
               development,   RNAi.  Agriculture:   Transgenic   plant  Assessment Methods:
               technology,  transgenic  mitigation.  Forensic:  genetic  Continuous Assessment:  40%
               means  of  identification.  Industrial  and  Pharmceutical:  Final Examination:  60%
               various  eukaryotic  production  systems  (yeast,  insect,
               plant,  mammalian),  prokaryotic  production  (E.coli).  Medium of Instruction:
               Research:  gene  discovery  and  isolation,  mutagenesis,  English
               proof of gene function, development of new technologies
               (across many fields).                            Soft Skills
                                                                CS4, CT3, TS4, LL3
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      Main References:
               Final Examination:  60%                          1.  Structure  and  Physics  of  Viruses:  An  Integrated
                                                                    Textbook  Series:  Subcellular Biochemistry,  Vol.  68
               Medium of Instruction:                               Mateu, Mauricio G. (Ed.) 2013, Springer. ISBN 978-
               English                                              94-007-6552-8 2.
                                                                2.  Understanding  Viruses  (Second  Edition)Teri  Shors
               Soft Skills                                          (Ed),   2013.   Jones   and   Bartlett.   ISBN-13:
               CS3, CT3, TS3, LL2                                   9781449648923
                                                                3.  Review papers  and  journal  articles  will be  supplied
               Main References:                                     via course webpage
               1.  Molecular Biotechnology, principles and applications
                   of  recombinant  DNA  4th  edition.  Glick  BR  &  JJ
                   Pasternak 2009 (ASM Press)                   SIL 3014  ADVANCED  IMMUNOGENETICS
               2.  Other recommended materials during lectures
                                                                The  course  gives  an  understanding  of  the  importance  of
                                                                the  failure and  deficiency  of  the  immune  system  in
               SIL 3012  CANCER AND TUMORIGENESIS               providing  protection.    The  introduction  will  focus  on
                                                                various major components of the immune system and in
               The course gives an understanding on cancer and why it  situations  when  it  fails  in  its  function  as  a  result  in
               is  seen  as  a  much  feared  disease  worldwide.  The  initial  deficiency  of  its  various  components,  and  the  different
               development and treatment of cancer will be discussed. A  resulting  manifestation  in  the  host.  These  resulting
               current  review  will  be  given  from  up-to-date  journal  immune  failure  diseases  will  be  discussed:  1.  The
               papers. This course is most relevant to a genetics student,  importance  of  a  balance  between  tolerance  and
               as various evidence points to cancer as having a genetic  autoimmunity;  2.  In  certain  situation,  when  cells  do  not
               risk  factor  that  can  transform  cells  from  a  benign  to  a  respond  in  the  correct  manner  to  growth,  resulting  in
               cancerous state.                                 tumour or cancer. 3. The importance and understanding of
                                                                transplant immunology as a cure for certain diseases with
               Assessment Methods:                              organ  or  cell  function  failures.  4.  The  undesired  effects
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      resulting  from  reactions  of  effector  molecules  in
               Final Examination:  60%                          hypersensitivity or allergy. 5. The inability of the immune
                                                                system  to  protect  the  host  from  various  congenital  and
               Medium of Instruction:                           acquired  (such  as  AIDS)  immunodeficiency  diseases.  6.
               English                                          The current therapeutic status and protection with a focus
                                                                on vaccines for the undesired immune responses.
               Soft Skills
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2                               Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:  40%
               Main References:                                 Final Examination:  60%
               1.  Immunology 5th edition Richard A. Goldsby, Thomas
                   J. Kindt, Barbara A. Osborne and Janis Kuby  Medium of Instruction:
               2.  Cellular and Molecular Immunology 7th edition Abul  English
                   K. Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman & Shiv Pillai
               3.  Immunobiology:  The  Immune  System  in  Health  and

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