Page 157 - handbook 20162017
P. 157
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017
CS3, CT3, TS3, LL2
This course starts by looking at the content and
Main References: organisation of the human genome. It involves describing
1. Krauss, et al. Biochemistry of signal transduction and the gene-related sequences (genes, introns, exons,
regulation. Third Edition, Wiley. regulatory regions, pseudogenes etc) and non-gene-
2. Other text books will be referred to. related sequences (unique to highly repetitive classes).
The student is then introduced to the Human Genome
Project and the processes involved. It includes physical
SIL 3006 DEVELOPMENTAL GENETICS and genetic mapping. The second part will focus on the
methods of medical genetic research, with old and new
This course focuses on concepts and understanding of techniques. This includes functional cloning, positional
developmental biology with an emphasis on molecular cloning and candidate gene approaches (functional
genetics. The topics covered are: overview of animal candidacy, positional candidacy, mutation screening
development, early stages of embryonic development, methods). At the end of the course, students will be
basic concept in developmental genetics, regulation and familiarised with current issues and research
differential gene expression, molecular genetics of technologywhich include SNP analysis, microarray and
pattern formation in Drosophila, development fate of each proteomics.
cell in C. elegens, sex determination in yeast, Drosophila
and mammals, genetic specification of floral organ identity Assessment Methods:
Arabidopsis, stem cell, and ethical issues. Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40% Medium of Instruction:
Final Examination: 60% English
Medium of Instruction: Soft Skills
English CS3, CT3, TS3, LL2
Soft Skills Main References:
CS3, CT2, TS3, LL2 1. Human Molecular Genetics (Strachan & Read)
2. Introduction to Human Genetics (Gustavo Maroni)
Main References:
1. Developmental biology (10th edition). Scott F.
Gilbert. 2013. Sinauer Associates, Inc. SIL 3009 EPIGENETICS AND GENE REGULATION
2. Principles of Development (4th edition). Lewis
Wolpert and Cheryll Tickle. 2010. Oxford University This course will provide a basic understanding of the role
Press. of epigenetics in gene regulation. Topics will include
3. Molecular Biology of the Cell (5th edition). Alberts B, chromatin remodelling, histone modifications, DNA
Johnson A, Lewis J, et. al. 2007. Garland Science. methylation, the importance of epigenetics in normal
cellular functions, evidence for epigenetics involvement in
Assessment Methods:
Introduction to basic principles and current advancements Continuous Assessment: 40%
in plant molecular biology. This course covers theoretical Final Examination: 60%
and practical aspects that form the bases of current
approaches in plant improvement and biotechnology, Medium of Instruction:
including genetic engineering. Lectures include: structure, English
organisation and regulation of plant genes and cell
signalling in plant cells; molecular biology of plastids and Soft Skills
chloroplasts; organisation of mitochondrial DNA; CS4, CT2, TS3, LL3
molecular biology of nitrogen metabolism; molecular
biology of development; cell signalling, molecular plant- Main References:
pathogen interactions, marker assisted breeding and plant 1. Epigenetics, C. David Allis, Thomas Jenuwein, and
genomics. Related practicals will be given. Danny Reinberg (2007) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Assessment Methods: 2. Epigenetics, Lyle Armstrong (2014) Garland Science
Continuous Assessment: 40% group
Final Examination: 60% 3. Cancer Epigenetics, Edited by Trygve Tollefsbol
(2009).CRC press, Taylor & Francis group
Medium of Instruction:
Soft Skills This course looks into the various approaches and
CS3, CT3, TS3, LL2 technologies that can be employed in answering research
questions and contribute towards the development of field
Main References: of genetics. The course will also discuss the strength and
1. Buchanan, Grusseim and Jones (2006) Biochemistry weaknesses of each of these technologies, and underlines
and MolecularBiology of Plants, Pbls. John Wiley and the limitations on using these technologies.
sons (UK) ISBN 09430088399.
2. Genes IX, Benjamin Lewin (2007) Assessment Methods:
3. Information in Spectrum Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%