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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               Soft skills:
               CT1 – 3, TS1                                   Soft skills:
                                                              CT1 – 3
               1.D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, F.J. Holler & S.R Crouch,  References:
                 Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9 Ed., 2014,  1. Owen  R.  Fennema  (Penterjemah  Soleha  Ishak),  Kimia
                 Thomson, Brooks/ Cole.                        makanan Jilid I dan II, Dewan bahasa Pustaka, 1993
               2. Francis, R. and A. Roussac, Chemical Analysis-Modern  2. Bloomfield, Chemistry and living organism John Wiley &
                 Instrumental  Methods  and  Techniques, 2 th  Ed.,  2010,  Sons 1996
                 John Wiley & Sons.
               3. G. D. Christian, Analytical Chemistry, 7 Ed, 2014 John
                 Wiley & Son.                                 SID2006 MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY
                                                              Introduction  and  basic  principles  of  medicinal  chemistry;
               SID2004 BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY                   categories of drugs and basis of drug action: drug-receptor
                                                              model; drug design and development; drug and pro-drug
               Carbohydrates: mono-, oligo-, polysaccharides – structure,  metabolism; pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
               classification  and  nomenclature;  carbohydrates  as
               resource   for   industry   and   energy   (hydrolysis,  Assessment Methods:
               fermentation).                                 Continuous assessment:  30%
                                                              Final examination:   70%
               Lipids: fatty acids, acylglycerols – structure and reactions;
               lipids  as resource  for  industry  and  energy  (biodiesel,  Medium of instruction:
               surfactants).                                  English
               Proteins: amino acids, peptides, and proteins – structure,  Soft skills:
               synthesis and degradation analysis.            CT1 – 3

               Nucleic Acids: DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis. PCR,  References:
               principles  of  bio-/gene-technology  and  forensic  DNA  1. Graham L. Patrick. (2013). An Introduction to Medicinal
               analysis.                                       Chemistry.  5 th  Edition.  Oxford  University  Press,  New
               Assessment Methods:                            2. Wilson  and  Gisvold.  (2010). Textbook  of  Organic
               Continuous assessment:  30%                     Medicinal  and  Pharmaceutical  Chemistry.  12 Edition.
               Final examination:    70%                       J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia.
                                                              3. Alex  Gringauz,  Introduction  to  Medicinal  Chemistry,
               Medium of instruction:                          Wiley-VCH, New York,1997.
               English                                        4. David  A.W.  (2012).  Foye’s  Principles  of  Medicinal
                                                               Chemistry. 7 Edition. LWW.
               Soft skills:
               CT1 – 3
                                                              SID2007 PETROCHEMISTRY
               1. Bruice, P.Y. (2007). Organic Chemistry. 5 Edition,  Introduction  and  production  of  petrochemicals  based  on
                 Pearson.                                     gaseous  feedstocks  using  inorganic-based  catalysts:
               2. Stoker,  H.  S. (2010).  General,  Organic  and  Biological  ethane, ethene, ethyne, propene and butadiene, methane,
                 Chemistry. 5th Ed. Brooks/Cole. 5 Ed.        hydrogen,  carbon  monoxide,  methanol,  formaldehyde,
               3. Lindhorst,  T.  K.  (2006).  Essentials  of  Carbohydrate  acetic acid, ammonia, urea.
                 Chemistry and Biochemistry. 3 Ed.  Wiley.
               4. Gunstone,  F.D.,  Harwood,  J.L.,  Dijkstra,  A.J.  (2007).  Production  of  petrochemicals  based  on  liquid  feedstocks
                 The Lipid Handbook, 3 Ed. CRC Press.         using inorganic-based catalysts: benzene, toluene, xylene
               5. Zanariah  Abdullah,  Noorsaadah  Abd.  Rahman  dan  and other  petrochemicals/feedstocks.
                 Kamaliah   Mahmood   (2001).   Biomolekul   Suatu
                 Pengenalan. Penerbit Universiti Malaya.      Assessment Methods:
               6. Ulber,  R.,  Sell,  D.  &  Hirth,  T. (2011) Renewable  Raw  Continuous assessment:  30%
                 Materials - New Feeedstocks for the Chemical Industry,  Final examination:  70%
               7. ISBN  978-3-527-32548-1.Othmer,  Encyclopaedia  of  Medium of instruction:
                 Chemical Technology, 4 ed.                   English
                                                              Soft skills:
               SID2005 FOOD CHEMISTRY                         CT1 – 3
               Introduction  to  food  chemistry.    Role  of  water  in  food.  References:
               Important  components  in  food:  carbohydrates,  amino  1. D.  L.  Burdick, W.  L.  Leffler.  (2010).  Petrochemicals  in
               acids,  lipids,  proteins;  chemical  transformations  of  food  Nontechnical   Language.4 th  Edition.   PennWell
               during   storage,   transportation,   processing,   and  Publishing Company.
               preparation.  Food metabolism.                 2. B. K.  Bhaskararao.  (2007).  A  Text  on  Petrochemicals.
                                                               Khanna Publishers.
               Assessment Methods:                            3. Energy  &  Fuels,  American  Chemical  Society  (ACS
               Continuous assessment:  30%                     Publications)
               Final examination:    70%                      4. G.A.  Karim.  (2012).  Fuels,  Energy,  and  Environment.
                                                               CRC Press.
               Medium of instruction:                         5. U.R. Chaudhri. (2010). Fundamental of Petroleum and
               English                                         Petrochemical Engineearing. CRC Press.

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