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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018
2. D. Pletcher and F.C. Walsh, Industrial Electrochemistry, Chemistry.3 Edition. CRC Press
Springer netherland, 1993. 4. A. Aveyard, D. A.Haydon. (1993) An Introduction to
3. K. Oldheim, J. Mayland and A. Bond, Electrochemical Principles of Surfaces Chemistry. Cambridge University
Science and Technology: Fundamental and Press
Applications, John Wiley and Sons, 2011. 5. D.F. Evans, H. Wennerstrom. (1999). The Colloidal
Domain.2 Edition. Wiley
6. D.H. Everett. (1998). Basic Prinsciple of Colloid
Introduction to computers – history, elements in SID2014 PROCESSING OF THERMOPLASTICS AND
computers, operating system, computers in chemistry, THERMOSETS
internet. Internet based chemistry – introduction to web
technologies useful in chemistry, chemical databases, use Materials: Thermoplastic, thermoset, additives.
of chemical web services. Applications, differences, advantages and disadvantages
between them.
Introduction to computational chemistry – history and
development, techniques, molecular mechanics and Processing of thermoplastic:
molecular simulations as well as application examples. Overview of processing technology – selection and
application. Extrusion – machine construction, process
Practical laboratory – Basic programming and practical analysis.
computational chemistry software. Injection blow moulding, injection moulding – principle of
machine design, mould, temperature control.
Assessment Methods: Other processes – calendering, thermoforming, rotational
Practical: 40% moulding, etc
Continuous assessment: 10%
Final examination: 50% Processing of thermoset and rubber:
Types/classification of materials, include composite and
Medium of instruction: fibres, properties and application. Vulcanisation and cure.
English Extrusion, compression moulding, transfer moulding,
injection moulding and specialised techniques.
Soft skills:
CT1 – 3 Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment: 40%
References: Final examination: 60%
1.Hinchliffe, A. (2008). Molecular Modelling for Beginners.
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. UK. Medium of instruction:
2. Leach, A. R. (2001). Molecular Modeling Principles and English
Applications. 2 Ed. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
3. Grant, G. H. and Richards, W. G. (1995). Computational Soft skills:
Chemistry. Oxford University Press, Oxford. CT1 – 3, CS1 – 3
4. Young, David C. (2001). Computational Chemistry: A
Practical Guide for Applying Techniques to Real World References:
Problems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 1.Donald G. Baird, Dimitris I. Collias (2014), Polymer
5. Dill, K.A. and Bromberg, S. (2003). Molecular Driving Processing: Principles and Design, 2nd Edition, Wiley
Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry & 2. Charles A. Harper, Edward M. Petrie (2013), Plastics
Biology, Garland Science, USA. Materials and Processes: A Concise Encyclopedia, Wiley
3. S Thomas, Weimin Yang (Ed.) (2009), Advances in
Polymer Processing: From Macro- To Nano- Scales,
Introduction to colloidal dispersion and types of colloidal
dispersions. Particles in the box and colloid chemistry. SID3001 ADVANCED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Brownian motion, Surface charge and colloidal stability.
Particle size and fluid deformation. Viscosity, Organometallics Chemistry
sedimentation and rheology. Self-assembly colloids and Introduction to organometallics complexes of transition
their interfacial properties. Instrumentations in Colloidal metals, lanthanide, actinide and main group metals;
Chemistry, interfaces, nano-science and nanotechnology. preparation of carbonyl, olefin, carbene and metallocene
complexes; application of organometallics as catalyst.
Assessment Methods: Introduction to inorganic reaction mechanism; dissociative,
Continuous assessment: 40% associative and interchange mechanisms; derivation of
Final examination: 60% rate law; substitution reactions of octahedral, tetrahedral &
5-coordinate systems; substitution reactions catalysed by
Medium of instruction: acid and base; inner-sphere and outer-sphere
English mechanisms
Soft skills: Physical methods in Inorganic Chemistry
CT1 – 3 Spectroscopic techniques: vibrational, EPR/ESR,
multinuclear NMR (eg. P, F, 119 Sn)
References: Vibrational: Introduction, theoretic background, selection
1. A.W. Adamson. (1997). Physical Chemistry of rules, applications.
Surfaces.7 Edition. Wiley
2. D.J. Shaw. (1992). Introduction to Colloid & Surfaces EPR/ESR: background, introduction, electronic structure
Chemistry. 4 Edition. BH of atoms and open-shell ions, spin-orbit coupling, g-
3. P.C. Hiemanz. (1997). Principles of Colloid & Surfaces