Page 55 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
SIP4005 TEACHING AND The course covers concepts
ASSESSMENT OF BIOLOGY ranging from processes in the
COMPONENTS IN SCIENCE change of state of matter,
density, dispersion of light and
This course will introduce the colours, types of cells, space and
students to theories associated gravity. The current approaches
with teaching and learning of and methods in teaching
biological components in science secondary school science will be
subject, approaches and emphasized. Theories of physics
strategies in teaching at in general science, a range of
secondary school, development approaches and methods for
of effective lesson plans, and teaching the component of
approaches in assessing physics at secondary level, how
students understanding. The to formulate the lesson plans in a
safety practices in biology creative manner, implementing
laboratory will also be learned in the lesson optimising existing
this course. resource effectively are open
avenues for opportunities to tap
Assessment Methods: on during this course. Thus,
Continuous assessment: 60% students can develop their own
Final examination: 40% principled understanding and
practice of appropriate physics
teaching in science at secondary
COMPONENT IN SCIENCE Continuous assessment: 70%
Final examination: 30%
This course enables students to
identify physics concepts that are
significant in general science.