Page 51 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               innovative use of instructional   Continuous assessment: 100%

               Assessment Methods:          SIP3002  TEACHING OF
               Continuous assessment: 70%   GEOMETRY
               Final examination: 30%
                                            The course offers the opportunity
                                            for students to be exposed to the
                                            important concepts in Euclidean
               SIP3001  TEACHING            geometry. In addition, the focus
               PRACTICE I                   will be on the common errors and
                                            learning difficulties faced in the
               This is the second practical   learning of geometry. The
               component in the professional   experience will be used as the
               education of teachers that is   foundation to discuss the
               conducted in 8 weeks in the   assessment and problem solving
               Special Semester of the Third   in geometry. Teaching and
               Year of the program.  The    learning techniques in teaching
               purpose for this component is to   geometry at secondary and pre-
               provide student teachers     university will be covered and the
               opportunities to observe two   design of tasks that involve
               Cooperating Teachers teach and   students using digital technology
               to reflect on the roles,     will be discussed.
               responsibilities, and challenges of
               a classroom teacher.  During this   Assessment Methods:
               period, student teachers will be   Continuous assessment: 40%
               provided opportunities to work   Final examination: 60%
               with their Cooperating Teachers
               in planning lessons, preparing
               resources, managing students
               and to co-teach with the     SIP3003  TEACHING OF
               Cooperating Teachers.  Student   PROBABILITY AND
               teachers will also identify one   STATISTICS
               learning problem faced by
               students and diagnose the    The course offers the opportunity
               possible causes to this problem.   for students to be exposed to the
               Apart from working together with   important concepts in the
               the Cooperating Teachers on   teaching and    learning of
               teaching duties, students have to   probability and statistics. In
               be involved in the co-curricular   addition, the focus will be on the
               activities at school, or whatever   common errors and learning
               classroom administrative duties,   difficulties faced in the learning of
               special services and school   probability and statistics. The
               management as requested by the   experience will be used as the
               school.  Whenever possible,   foundation to discuss the
               students have to be fully involved   assessment and problem solving
               in important events at school.   in probability and statistics.
               Assessment Methods:          Teaching and learning

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