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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
SIP2005 TEACHING IN Assessment Methods:
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Continuous assessment: 100%
Students will analyze and
understand the curriculum of
physical chemistry in upper SIP2007 TEACHING AND
secondary and pre-university ASSESSMENT OF ABSTRACT
level. This course also introduces CONCEPT IN BIOLOGY
students to theories related to
physical chemistry learning. The This course deepens students'
course also provides students to understanding of the principles
develop their own principled and practices of teaching and
understanding and practices of learning which involves the
appropriate teaching of physical mastery of abstract concepts in
chemistry in upper secondary Biology such as the concepts of
and pre-university level. Students cellular respiration and
will learn to use appropriate photosynthesis. The course will
teaching approaches and examine appropriate teaching
strategies, planning of lessons, and assessment strategies
methods of presentations and concepts in Biology. The
innovative use of instructional instructional strategies include
aids. experimentation
Assessment Methods: Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment: 70% Continuous assessment: 100%
Final examination: 30%
This course assists students to
The focus of this course is to build knowledge, skills and
assist students to integrate values regarding the concept of
technologies into biology electricity. This course
education in order to create a comprises of three sections,
hypermedia learning environment namely the theory, planning and
that will be stimulating and practice. The theory section will
interactive for digital natives. discuss knowledge and skills
Among the topics that will be which are required to master the
given emphasis are information concept of electricity. The
retrieval skills, and information planning section will guide the
management skills using latest trainee teachers in implementing
software. Students will also be strategies, skills and values that
exposed to appropriate can be applied in the classroom
technological tools to design and and laboratory. Finally, the
create teaching and learning practical section will focus on the
materials. contextual implementation of