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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
good laboratory management SIP1007 HISTORY,
knowledge and skills. PHILOSOPHY AND
Assessment Methods: EDUCATION
Continuous assessment: 70%
Final examination: 30% This course will introduce the
students to the history and
philosophy of the current trend,
theory and practice of Biology
SIP1006 COGNITION IN education in Malaysia. Topics
BIOLOGY EDUCATION that will be discussed include
reformation effort in Biology
This course will introduce the education, the need to change,
students to principal ideas of changing model in Biology
cognitive science relevant to education, support system,
biology education which includes reflection of the current practice
cognitive theories of past and the future direction. The
educational psychologists such influence of the history and
as Piaget and others to philosophy of science to the
contemporary models of thinking practice of biology education
such as by Howard Gardner and worldwide and in Malaysia will
neurocognitive perspectives for also be discussed. This course
transformational learning in the will also introduce the main
digital era. These will be related aspects in curriculum planning of
to the attributes and acquisition of Biology education, which include
scientific skills and pedagogical curriculum, curriculum design,
strategies related to biology development of Biology
education. Emphasis will be curriculum internationally and
given to cognitive operation for locally, Biology curriculum
each level of Bloom’s taxonomy, models and innovation in biology
SAPA science process skills, education, issues in
concrete and formal reasoning in implementing the curriculum and
Piaget Model, scientific inquiry curriculum assessment
assignment, cognitive process
that involves critical thinking Assessment Methods:
skills, and problem-solving Continuous assessment: 100%
strategies. The implication of all
these skills will be discussed for
the enhancement of teaching and SIP1008 TEACHING OF
learning quality in Biology. MATTER, FORCE AND
Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment: 100% This course assists students to
build knowledge, techniques and
skills for teaching the concept of
matter, force and energy
effectively. This course
comprises of three sections,