Page 45 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               in the students and preparing   participation in reflection,
               educators as STEM leaders.    abstraction, and appreciation will
                                            be linked to the learning of
               Assessment Methods:          specific topics in mathematics.
               Continuous assessment: 70%
               Final examination: 30%       Assessment Methods:
                                            Continuous assessment: 60%
                                            Final examination: 40%
               SIP1002  ASSESSMENT IN
               In this course the students will be   SIP1004  TRENDS AND
               exposed to the various types of   ISSUES IN CHEMISTRY
               assessment and its purpose and   EDUCATION
               functions. Students will learn how
               to create higher order thinking   This course exposes students to
               tasks that enhances student   the various trends, issues, and
               learning. Technical aspect of   challenges in chemical education.
               assessment will also be learned.   Students are also taught
               Students will be taught on how to   cognitive science and learning
               make educational decisions   theories in chemistry education.
               based on students’ assessment   Students will learn about Piaget,
               performance.                 Vygotsky, and contemporary
                                            learning theories.  Students give
               Assessment Methods:          opportunities to conduct simple
               Continuous assessment: 60%   action research that can
               Final examination: 40%       contribute ideas to implement
                                            meaningful and relevant
                                            chemistry teaching.
               SIP1003  PSYCHOLOGY IN       Assessment Methods:
               LEARNING MATHEMATICS         Continuous assessment: 70%
                                            Final examination: 30%
               The purpose of this course is to
               expose students to the usage of
               concepts and principles of
               psychology and cognitive science   SIP1005  PRACTICAL WORK
               as a core to develop deeper   IN CHEMISTRY
               understanding about how
               children learn mathematics and   This course helps students to
               the various ways they construct   understand what scientific inquiry
               and build on their abstract   is as well as the roles and types
               scheme. The influence of     of practical work. This course
               theories of learning on adult   encourages students to conduct
               mathematics education will be   open-ended / guided inquiry in
               discussed in depth. In addition,   the secondary school laboratory
               theories and principles of learning   environment. Students are taught
               such as process of active

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