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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
teaching electricity through SIP2010 TEACHING IN
consolidated pedagogies and INORGANIC CHEMISTRY
create alternatives to enable
exemplary teaching. Students will analyse and
understand the curriculum of
Assessment Methods: inorganic chemistry in upper
Continuous assessment: 70% secondary and pre-university
Final examination: 30% level. This course also introduces
students to theories related to
inorganic chemistry learning.
The course also provides
SIP2009 CURRICULUM IN students to develop their own
PHYSICS EDUCATION principled understanding and
practices of appropriate teaching
The course will include a critical of inorganic chemistry in upper
examination of all aspects of the secondary and pre-university
design, implementation, and level. Students will learn to use
assessment of the Physics appropriate teaching approaches
curricula. First, the philosophy of and strategies, planning of
Physics and goals in the lessons, methods of
development of the Physics presentations and innovative use
curriculum will be discussed. of instructional aids.
Early curriculum models such as
those put forward by Tyler, as Assessment Methods:
well as alternative designs in Continuous assessment: 70%
curriculum such as the problem- Final examination: 30%
based and brain-based learning
models will also be debated
upon. In addition, Curriculum SIP2011 TEACHING IN
Theory, Practice and ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Development in Physics will also
be examined. A review of Physics Students will analyse and
curricula of various nations to understand the curriculum of
seek alternatives in designing a organic chemistry in upper
dynamic curriculum will also be secondary and pre-university
considered. level. This course also introduces
students to theories related to
Assessment Methods: organic chemistry learning. The
Continuous assessment: 70% course also provides students to
Final examination: 30% develop their own principled
understanding and practices of
appropriate teaching of organic
chemistry in upper secondary
and pre-university level. Students
will learn to use appropriate
teaching approaches and
strategies, planning of lessons,
methods of presentations and