Page 54 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               research project during this   difficulties faced in the learning of
               Teaching Practice.  Whenever   calculus. The experience will be
               possible, students have to be   used as the foundation to discuss
               fully involved in important events   the assessment and problem
               at school.                   solving in calculus. Teaching and
                                            learning techniques in teaching
               Assessment Methods:          calculus at secondary and pre-
               Continuous assessment: 100%   university will be covered and the
                                            design of tasks that involve
                                            students using digital technology
                                            will be discussed.
               SIP4002  TEACHING OF
               DISCRETE MATHEMATICS         Assessment Methods:
                                            Continuous assessment: 40%
               The course offers the opportunity   Final examination: 60%
               for students to be exposed to the
               important concepts in the
               teaching and learning of discrete
               mathematics. In addition, the   SIP4004  TEACHING AND
               focus will be on the common   ASSESSMENT OF CHEMISTRY
               errors and learning difficulties   COMPONENTS IN SCIENCE
               faced in the learning of discrete
               mathematics. The experience will   This course will introduce the
               be used as the foundation to   students to approaches and
               discuss the assessment and   strategies associated with
               problem solving in discrete   teaching and learning of the
               mathematics. Teaching and    chemistry component in science.
               learning techniques at secondary   The students are also taught to
               and pre-university will be covered   create effective lesson plans and
               and the design of tasks that   to implement effective theoretical
               involve students using digital   and practical work for the
               technology will be discussed   chemistry component in core
                                            science. The students will learn
               Assessment Methods:          on how to assess student
               Continuous assessment: 40%   understand of the chemistry
               Final examination: 60%       component in science using
                                            meaningful and relevant tasks.
                                            Assessment Methods:
               SIP4003  TEACHING OF         Continuous assessment: 70%
               CALCULUS                     Final examination: 30%
               The course offers the opportunity
               for students to be exposed to the
               important concepts in the
               teaching and learning of calculus.
               In addition, the focus will be on
               the common errors and learning

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