Page 174 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 174
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024
Assessment Weightage: SIC2022 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY I
Continuous assessment: 40%
Final examination: 60% Introduction
Classical analysis, concentration systems/units, sampling in analysis.
Data Treatment
Organic synthesis & natural product extraction; Application of metal Precision and accuracy, statistical methods for error analysis, population and
reagents in organic synthesis; sampling, confidence limits, measurement uncertainty, significant figures, test for
mean, rejection of analytical data.
Application of qualitative elemental analysis, functional group tests,
spectroscopy and small-scale chemical conversion for the Complexometric titration
identification of organic compounds. EDTA complexometric titrations, back titration, metal indicators, masking agent.
Assessment Weightage: Spectrometry
Continuous assessment: 100% Interaction of light energy between atoms and molecules; quantitative aspects of
Final examination: - absorption. Molecular spectrometric techniques – UV / Visible, IR, NIR; dispersion,
absorption, fluorescence and emission. Spectrophotometric instruments; Atomic
SIC2020 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II emission spectroscopy and atomic absorption spectrometry: An introduction uses
of spectrophotometry. Separation Methods
Part A: Quantum Chemistry Introduction to the theory and process of separation in GC and HPLC, ion
Harmonic oscillator and vibrational motion, angular momentum and exchange chromatography, solvent extraction, partition coefficient, multiple
rotational motion; Electronic structures of hydrogen-like atoms and extraction, efficiency.
many-electron atoms, approximation methods for many electron
atoms–neglect of electron-electron repulsion, perturbation theory and Electroanalytical Chemistry
variation methods, independent particle approximation, Pauli Quantitative analysis – standard addition technique and internal standard
principle, Aufbau principle, Hund's rules, Slater determinant, Hartree- technique; Potentiometry – indicator and reference electrode, pH glass electrode,
Fock self-consistent field method, molecular Hamilton operator, ion selective electrodes.
Electronic structure of molecules: Born-Oppenheimer approximation,
molecular orbital theory, valence-bond theory, Huckel molecular Assessment Weightage:
orbital theory. Practical: 30%
Continuous assessment: 20%
Part B: Chemical Kinetics Final examination: 50%
Introduction to reaction rate theory. Collision between molecules, gas
transport phenomenon. Collision theory of uni-, bi- and termolecular SIC2023 MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY
gas reactions. Complex reactions.
Basic Spectroscopy. Vibrational, Rotational, Electronic and Nuclear Magnetic
Part C: Chemical Thermodynamics Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
Second law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic properties of
multicomponent mixtures. Equilibrium of chemical reactions. Phase Components in a spectrophotometer, experimental setup of Fourier Transform.
equilibrium: phase transition and classification; phase rule, phase Rotational, vibrational and rotational- vibrational spectroscopy. Introduction of
diagram for multicomponent system (liquid-vapour, liquid-liquid and Raman effect. Electronic spectroscopy of atoms and molecules; electronic term
liquid-solid) and applications. symbols for atoms and molecules. Introduction of photoelectron spectroscopy.
Basics of diatomic and polyatomic molecular electronic spectroscopy. Magnetic
Part D: Macromolecules nuclei in an external magnetic field. FT NMR experiments. Boltzman distribution
Introduction to macromolecules and polymers. Kinetics of free radical and population of energy levels. Relaxation processes and width of spectral lines.
polymerisation. Distribution and determination of molecular weights. High resolution NMR spectra: chemical shift and spin-spin coupling. First-order
Solubility and conformation of polymers. and second-order spectrum. Exchange processes. Double resonance
experiments. NMR spectra of solids.
Assessment Weightage:
Continuous assessment: 40% Assessment Weightage:
Final examination: 60% Continuous assessment: 40%
Final examination: 60%
Thermodynamical properties of liquid-vapour phase equilibrium, heat
of neutralisation, determining activity coefficients via emf IR spectroscopy: Characteristic functional group absorptions in organic molecules.
measurements, ionic transport numbers, partial molar properties of UV spectroscopy: electronic transitions and common chromophores in organic
solutions, kinetics of chemical reaction, determination of mean activity compounds; Beer-Lambert Law and Woodward-Fieser Rules. Correlation between
coefficient and solubility of potassium hydrogen tartarate (KHT) in optical spectra and MO theory.
aqueous solution. NMR spectroscopy: 1H-NMR – chemical shift: inductive and anisotropic effects;
Spin-spin coupling: geminal and vicinal coupling, Karplus equation; examples of
Assessment Weightage: 1H-1H splitting patterns; allylic and long-range coupling; techniques for improving
Continuous assessment: 100% the NMR spectrum: use of shift reagents. 13C NMR spectrum – e.g., completely-
Final examination: - coupled, completely- decoupled; off-resonance-decoupled; APT and DEPT
spectra; carbon chemical shifts and functional groups.