Page 177 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 177

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

          Introduction   to   Environmental   Management:   Sustainable   Assessment Weightage:
          development,  Environmental  quality  act  (1974),  Environmental   Continuous assessment:   40%
          management strategies, Environmental impact assessment (EIA).   Final examination:     60%

          Assessment Weightage:               SIC3037 BIOINORGANIC CHEMISTRY
          Continuous assessment:   50%
          Final examination:     50%          Identify  the  use  of  metals  in  biological  processes,  therapeutic  and  diagnostic
                                              agents;  cancer  (definition,  drugs,  mechanism  of  action);  diabetes  mellitus
          SIC3033 NATURAL PRODUCTS AND BIOSYNTHESIS   (definition,  drugs,  mechanism  of  action);  preparation  of  metal  complexes  for
                                              medicinal  purpose;  structure  and  activity  relationship  and  other  biological
          Classification of natural products. Biosynthesis of natural products,   applications of metal complexes.
          such  as  alkaloids,  terpenoids,  flavonoids,  lignans  and  glycosides.
          Separation  strategies  and  spectroscopic  methods  for  structural   Assessment Weightage:
          elucidation  of  natural  products.  Biochemical  constraints  and   Continuous assessment:   40%
          investigation   techniques:   biosynthetic   reagents,   enzymes,   Final examination:     60%
          biochemical  assays  and  application  of  isotopic  labelling  (esp.  in
          conjunction with 13C NMR) in the study of biosynthetic processes.   SIC3038 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY

          Assessment Weightage:               Development in nuclear chemistry: Nuclei and isotopes, nuclear mass and nuclear
          Continuous assessment:   40%        stability,  nuclear  structures  and  nuclear  models,  radioactive  decay,  natural
          Final examination:     60%          radioactive  elements,  radiation  absorption,  latest  breakthrough  in  nuclear
                                              Nuclear reactions: fission and fusion, interactions of radiation with matters, effects
          Retrosynthetic analysis and design of multistep syntheses. Selectivity   of radiation on matters, danger of radiation, dosimetry, detection and measurement
          in  synthesis.  Synthesis  of  acyclic  and  cyclic  compounds.  Use  of   of  radiation,  production  application  of  radioisotopes,  effects  of  nuclear  to
          organometallic  reagents  in  syntheses.  Asymmetric  synthesis;   environment.
          selected examples from classical and contemporary syntheses.   Application: radioisotopes, nuclear reactor and radiology.

          Assessment Weightage:               Assessment Weightage:
          Continuous assessment:   40%        Continuous assessment:   40%
          Final examination:     60%          Final examination:     60%


          Reactive intermediates in organic chemistry including carbocations,   Part A: Structure of Materials
          free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, and radical- ions. Chemistry of free   Introduction to different categories of materials.
          radicals:  reactions  and  mechanisms  of  free  radicals  including   Structure of crystalline solids (cubic and hexagonal crystal system).
          abstraction, addition, rearrangement, cyclization and fragmentation;   Imperfection in crystalline solids (various types of defects in crystalline structure of
          applications  of  radical  reactions  in  organic  synthesis;  reactions  of   solids) and atomic diffusion that occurs in solid material during heat treatment.
          carbenes, carbenoids, nitrenes, and ion-radicals, and applications in   Phase diagram of binary alloy (eutectic and isomorphous systems).
          synthesis. Formation, stability, and rearrangements of carbocations;   Structure, application and processing of ceramics.
          tandem  and  cascade  cyclizations.  Mechanistic  details  of  selected
          classes  of  organic  reactions  such  as  nucleophilic  substitution,   Part B: Properties of Materials
          hydrolysis,  polar  rearrangements,  electron-transfer  reactions,   In-depth discussion on various properties of materials. Thermal properties: Heat
          photochemical reactions.            capacity, thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, thermal stresses.
                                              Magnetic   properties:   Concept,   diamagnetism   and   paramagnetism,
          Pericyclic  reactions:  molecular  orbitals;  conservation  of  orbital   ferromagnetism, domain and hysteresis, magnetic anisotropy, magnetic storage
          symmetry in concerted reactions; theory (frontier orbital method, use   and superconductivity.
          of  correlation  diagrams,  aromatic  transition  state  approach)  and   Optical properties: Light interactions with solids, atomic and electronic interactions,
          applications of electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic rearrangements,   refraction, reflection, absorption, transmission, colour, opacity and translucency,
          and  cycloadditions,  including  tandem  and  cascade  processes,  in   application of optical phenomena.
          organic synthesis.
                                              Part C: Material Characterization Techniques
          Assessment Weightage:               Introduction to morphological, structural and physical characterisation of materials.
          Continuous assessment:   40%        Techniques  involved  include:  X-ray  diffraction  (XRD),  Scanning  electron
          Final examination:     60%          microscopy  (SEM),  Thermal  analysis  (TGA  and  DSC),  X-ray  photoelectron
                                              spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)
          SIC3036 PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY   Solid-state NMR spectroscopy

          Application  of  physical  organic  concepts  in  the  determination  of   Assessment Weightage:
          organic  reaction  mechanisms;  kinetics  and  thermodynamics;   Continuous assessment:   40%
          stereochemistry  &  conformational  analysis;  solvent  effects;  non-  Final examination:     60%
          kinetic  and  kinetic  isotope  effects;  sonochemistry;  organic  surface
          reactions.  Approximation,  catalysis  in  molecules:  covalent,  general
          acid-base and pseudophase.

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