Page 175 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

          Mass  spectrometry:  EIMS  –  molecular  ions,  isotope  peaks,   Assessment Weightage:
          fragmentation  ions  and  patterns.  HREIMS  and  determination  of   Continuous assessment:   40%
          molecular  formula  of  organic compounds.  Application of  combined   Final examination:     60%
          techniques in organic structure determination.
                                              SIC3023 PRACTICAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III
          Assessment Weightage:
          Continuous assessment:   40%        ‘Oligo-step’ organic  synthesis;  Carbonyl chemistry:  Correlation  of  experimental
          Final examination:     60%          operations with theory;

          SIC2025 CHEMISTRY AND SOCIETY       Separation  of  organic  compounds  using  an  acid-base  extraction  scheme;
                                              application of qualitative elemental analysis, functional group tests, spectroscopy
          This  course  exposes  students  to  community  services  and   and small- scale chemical conversion for the identification of organic compounds.
          volunteerism with the knowledge of chemistry to assist the community
          in solving current issues.          Assessment Weightage:
                                              Continuous assessment:   100%
          Students need to plan and implement programs in groups, as well as   Final examination:  -
          group  reports  and  presentations  based  on  experiences  with  the
          communities.                        SIC3024 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY III

          Assessment Weightage:               Part A: Electronic Structure Theory and Photochemistry
          Continuous assessment:   100%       Linear variational method, Time independent and dependent perturbation theories,
          Final examination:  -               Angular momentum theory. Energy diagram of many-electron atoms, Molecular
                                              orbital theory and electronic potential energy.
                                              Absorption  and  emission  of  light,  Fluorescence  and  quenching,  Intramolecular
          Organometallic Chemistry:           vibrational  energy  redistribution,  Internal  conversion,  Intersystem  crossing,
          Historical background, classification/bonding types of organometallics   Phosphorescence,  Photodissociation,  Laser-induced  fluorescence,  Multiphoton
          compounds  of  transition  elements,  main  group  organometallics  &   ionization, Photochemistry on short time scales, Atmospheric chemistry.
          lanthanides, 18-electron rules, ligands in organometallics (carbonyl,
          hydride,  alkyl/alkene,  carbene,  carbyne,  metallocene  &  fullerene)   Part B: Statistical Thermodynamics and Dynamics of Molecular Reactions
          organometallic reactions.           The  fundamentals  of  statistical  mechanics  from  the  definitions  of  molecular
                                              interactions  giving  a  set  of  energy  levels  for  N-molecule  systems.  Statistical
          Metal chemistry:                    treatment to obtain a distribution of the most probable energy configuration or
          Occurrence,  methods  of  extraction,  chemical  reactions  and   Boltzmann distribution. Introduction to partition function of molecules containing all
          applications of metals, chemistry of block d and f metals.   the information on N-molecule systems. Ensemble concept, incorporated partition
                                              function and its relation to thermodynamic properties.
          Assessment Weightage:
          Continuous assessment:   40%        Diffusion controlled reactions. Activated complex theory and reactions in
          Final examination:     60%          solutions. The dynamics of molecular collisions.

          SIC3021 PRACTICAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY III   Assessment Weightage:
                                              Continuous assessment:   40%
          Synthesis of organometallic compounds, spectroscopic analysis for   Final examination:     60%
          structural determination and investigation of point group based on IR
          and Raman spectra.                  SIC3025 PRACTICAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY III

          Assessment Weightage:               Bomb calorimetry, molecular spectroscopy, the critical point, determination of acid
          Continuous assessment:   100%       dissociation constant for methyl red, phase diagram of a three-component partially
          Final examination:  -               immiscible liquid system, hydrolysis of tert-butyl chloride, influence of alcohol chain
                                              elongation on the surface activity for normal aliphatic alcohol, determination of
          SIC3022 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III       vapour viscosity, rotational-vibrational spectra of HCl and DCl.

          Strategies in multistep synthesis: retrosynthetic analysis. Synthesis of   Assessment Weightage:
          C-C-bonds.                          Continuous assessment:   100%
                                              Final examination:  -
          Asymmetric  synthesis:  axial  chirality,  importance  of  enantiopure
          compounds, chiral pool; selected examples of asymmetric synthesis   SIC3026 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
          including  hydrogenation,  epoxidation,  dihydroxylation, use  of  chiral
          auxiliaries.                        Industrial training is a platform for BSc in Chemistry students to equip themselves
                                              with chemical industry related skills and working ethics via practical training under
          Reactivity; intermediates and product studies, energetics and   the  supervision  of  professionals.  Experience  in  the  industry  will  provide  an
          kinetics, isotope effects and linear free energy relationships.   opportunity  for  the  students  to  explore  their  career  interest,  develop  personal
                                              potential and increase their employability in the field of Chemistry.

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